Monday, October 15, 2012

Multidimensional View in Classical Iridology Approaches - (pakil) - Rx

Female, 54
The above brown iris sample is for practising multidimensional iridology techniques to enhance your iris analysis via using classical iridology approaches...enhance your sensitivity on IPB shapes and structures, look for any marginal changes around the pupil and iris signs located inside the inner pupillary zone; classical topographical organs and glands attached on the border of the collarette. A solitary iris sign such as lacuna, pigment or crypt amplify a significant genetic impact on the person family. 

The results of analysis as below:
a) Squared shape IPB indicates a family medical history of thyroid dysfunction, possible genetic history of hypothyroidism.
b) Pearls sign IPB indicates a family history of intestinal polyposis, intestinal tumours, dysbiosis and inflammation of bowel conditions.
c) Superior Nasal Flatness indicates neuromuscular tension at C3 to C7, visual disturbances and chronic sinusitis.
d) Closed lacuna attached on the external border of the collarette indicates predisposition to thyroid dysfunction correlates with Squared IPB !
e) Minor ray emanate from the mid of inner pupillary zone to ciliary zone at 25' sinusitis problem in classical approach which correlates with Superior Nasal Flatness. Embryologically relates to pineal stress.

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