Sunday, October 14, 2012

Multidmensional View in Classical Approaches - (lpe)- Lx

Female, 64
- Diabetes
Brown Iris / Haematogenic Iris Constitution are considered difficult to examine and analyze. Generally, the iris sign is finding hard to identify and only limited data is visible and available when using a magnifier lens & light to examine from this iris constitution. What we can see for the above iris sample are multiple radial furrows around the collarette and a solitary closed lacuna attached on the border of the collarette – 125’ a pancreas lacuna indicative of predisposition to blood sugar imbalance.

In contrast, if equipped with an iris microscope we can see more than that, rich of information was reflected on the Pupil, Inner Pupillary Border and the collarette. The study of pupil dynamics, IPB, inner pupillary zone and the collarette in multidimensional approaches will become a trend and direction for modern iridologist to enhance their iris assessment and interpretation skills via applying classical approaches.

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