Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Atrophy/Whitened IPB/Inferior Nasal Flatness/Embrylogical & Physical Signs - (tej)


Observe the structural signs in term of genetic weaknesses correlation and correspond to different layers of iris via multidimensional approach...
a) Whited IPB / Depigmentation IPB regards to osteoarthritis and osteoporosis tendency.
b) Inferior Nasal Flatness - History of sacral, lumbar and coccyx injuries leading to leg problems, osteoporosis and rheumatism. Renal disturbances, arthritis, gout, polycystic kidneys and urinary infection, uterine fibroids and cervical dysplasia tendencies. Psycho-emotional relates to self-criticism, guilt and low self-esteem.
c) Embryological sign / crypt at inner pupillary zone - 175' represent kidney insufficiency.
d) Crypt attached outside border of the collarette - 170' indicate cervical stress. Emotionally relate to self-esteem problem.
e) Radii Solaris / Radial Furrow emanating from the edge of the IPB to ciliary zone - 153' signify uterus insufficiency.
f) Suggest Kidney "Transversal" indicates kidneys deficiency, polycystic kidneys tendency,

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