Monday, March 12, 2012

IPB Morphologies/Space Risk/Neuromuscular Spinal of the IPB - (lyk) - Lx - 2

a) Solitary Omega / Crab sign ( in a reverse manner) at the frontal section of the IPB structure indicates :
- Overactivity of the immune system.
- Personal and family medical history of tonsillitis ( correspond to Space Risk 5-Rx).
- Genetic tendency to Rheumatoid Arthritis ( correlation with Buttonholes IPB -Rx)
- Emotional imbalance and mood swing
- Solitary and unilateral of Omega IPB appeared in Lx is considered abnormal sign, Space Risk evaluation is recommended. Take note the Buttonhole, Target and Claw is considered abnormal sign of the IPB under the consideration if appear in solitary and unilateral of the iris. For example, External Curvature Cat's Claw sign was appeared solitary and unilateral in Rx, Space Risk evaluation is recommended.
- Omega at 353'- Space Risk 1 concerns with migraines, vertigo and insomnia tendency.
b) Solitary Heart sign of the IPB indicates :
- Fibromyalgia tendency.
- Considered as abnormal sign and is granted for Space Risk analysis -68' - Space Risk 9 relate to heart problem, cardiac disease ( correlation with Buttonholes IPB-Rx,Lx ).
c) Globular IPB - Dybiosis and gastric ulcer ( correlation with Cat's Claw-Rx & Buttonholes IPB-Rx,Lx)
d) Buttonhole IPB.
e) Local absence of the IPB :
 - 208' - Space Risk 24 indicate muscular tension and joint problems/distortions ( correspond to  Buttonhole IPB).
-252' - Spae Risk 15 indicate spleen deficiency, chronic fatigue syndrome.
-265'~275' - Space Risk 13 & 12 indicates gastric ulcers ( correlation with Cat's Claw & Buttonhole IPB) and  fatty liver degeneration / liver disturbances ( correlation with Target IPB)
- 319'~330' - Space Risk 5 & 4 indicates tonsillitis ( correspond to Omega sign & Space Risk 5-Rx) and rhinitis.
- Neuromuscular tension at the spinal areas of : Sacrum, thoracic and cervical vertebrae.
f) Extroflession of the IPB :
- 9' - Space Risk 1 correspond to Omega sign at 353'
- Indentation toward to the inner pupillary zone - 305'~315' - Space Risk 6 & 7 indicates muscular tension in neck and shoulder and thyroid dysfunction ( correlation with closed lacunae at  90' & 98'- Rx).
g) Possible of tiny melanin pigment attached on the IPB - 220' indicate Space Risk 21relate muscle cramp in abdomen and thigh..
h) Observe the closed lacunae attached on the border of the collarette -
1) 90' - Heart lacuna correspond to Buttonholes IPB and Space Risk 9 - Rx.
2) 117',132', 235' & 300' - Pancreas lacuna correspond to classical topographical areas in Rx.
3) 177' - Adrenal fatigue.
4)  250' - Thymus gland lacuna.
5) 278' - Thyroid lacuna correspond to Rx-90'&98' & Space Risk 7-Lx.
6) An indentation of the lacuna - 52' relate to blood sugar imbalance and Time Risk evaluation.
i) Embryological sign/ crypt at 90' suggest thyroid dysfunction. ( nearest to kidneys reflex zone).
j) Collarette Bridge formation - 140'~155' indicates :
- Progesterone deficiency (correlation with External Curvature cat's Claw IPB).
- Blood sugar imbalance tendency ( correlation with classical pancreas sign in Rx & Lx).
- Sensitivity to stress ( correlation with Space Risk 1 ).
- Autoimmunity tendency ( correlation with Buttonholes IPB & Omega sign of the IPB)
- Time Risk evaluation - Take the midpoint degree : 147.5' !

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