Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Micro View in Multidimensional Iridology - Rx - (abd)

a) Identify the thickness, structure and morphologies of the IPB. Look for solitary and abnormal sign of the IPB structure..especially in frontal of the IPB !
b) Identify the flattening area of the pupil..
c) Look for structural sign - internal closed lacuna, crypt, defect marking, minor/major ray and  pigment inside the pupillary zone...
d) Structural of the collarette...
e) Look for an importance and correlation of structure signs in different layers of the iris....
f) Possibly you may take secondary concern the structural signs in ciliary and limbus zone ! The greater genetic and embryological impact under IPB, Pupil, inner pupillary zone, the collarette structure and iris signs (closed lacuna, crypt, defect marking, pigment & radial furrow) attached on the external border of the collarette / endocrine & immunological zone.

A micro and subtle view of the iris : Pupil & IPB

Observe the morphologies & multiple local absence of the IPB, marginal medial nasal flatness and embryological signs at inner pupillary zone.

Multiple shaped of the IPB :
a) Buttonhole IPB.
b) Globular shaped of the IPB.
c) Suggest "Black Smudge Pigment". ( I have no reference to confirm this pigment as "Black Smudge Pigment, which recorded by John Andrews, please refer to his book "Immunology & Iridology" for further classification ).  
d) This local IPB cannot classified as absence, the thickness is below 50 micron. 
e) Whitened IPB / Depigmented IPB located in the ventral section.
f) External Curvature of Cat's Claw IPB.
(Please refer to my previous posts on the explanation of Buttonhole,Globular, Whitened & Cat's Claw IPB)

Multiple local absence of the IPB : Space Risk & Neuromuscular Spinal Analysis
a) 50'~60' - Space Risk 6 & 7 indicates muscular tension in neck and shoulder, and potential of thyroid dysfunction or family history of hyper/hypothyroidism.
b) 92' - Space Risk 13 indicate gastric ulcers and acute or chronic gastritis correspond to Globular IPB.
c) 123' - Space Risk 18 indicate kidneys insufficiency tendency.
d) 132' - Space Risk 19 indicate intestinal dysbiosis tendency correspond to Buttonhole & Globular IPB. 
e) 202'~210' - Space Risk 25, 24 & 23 indicates potential of join pains, distortions, arthritis ( correspond to whitened IPB) and prostate disturbances tendency.
f) 322' - Space Risk 5 indicate tonsillitis and laryngitis.

Potential neuromuscular tension in the spinal areas of
a) Cervical Vertebrae - 50'~60' & 322'
b) Thoracic Vertebrae - 92' & 123'.
c) Lumbar Vertebrae - 132'.
d) Sacrum - 202'~210'

Embryological signs - crypts, minor rays and internal closed lacuna :
a) 110' - relate to blood sugar imbalance.
b) 207' - indicate prostate deficiency , correlation with Space Risk 23.
c) 231' - indicate blood sugar imbalance.
d) 355' - relate to tonsils stress, correlation with Space Risk 5.

Media Nasal Flatness - 77'~90' indicates
a) Breathing difficulties and thyroid dysfunction tendency correspond to Space Risk 7.
b) Muscular tension in C6-C7 & T1-T7 correlation with Space Risk 6.

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