Monday, March 19, 2012

Partial Atrophy, IPB Morphologies, Space Risk, Archeology & Pupillary Dynamics - Rx & Lx - (sok)

Observe the importance iris signs :
1) Inferior Temporal Flatness - 230'~253' correlation with collarette bridge - 244'~251', indentation of the collarette - 265' , local absence with indentation of the IPB toward inner pupillary zone- 253' ...
2) Extroflession of the IPB - 300', Space Risk evaluation - Rx...
3) Extroflession of the IPB - 140', Space Risk evaluation - Lx...
4) Lateral Temporal Flatness - 280'~305'- Lx correlation with indented collarette - 265' - Rx...
5) Globular sign-Lx
6) IPB Archeology - Turtle (animal sign)- C,Lx

Rx -
a) Local absence of the IPB with an indentation toward to inner pupillary zone - 253', suggest Space Risk 15 indicates spleen insufficiency, emotionally relates to internal fatigue, recurrent thoughts of the possibility of failure.
b) Inferior Temporal Flatness - 230'~253' indicates :
- Muscular tension in neck and shoulder.
- Tendency to gall bladder, liver and pancreatic disturbances, hypoglycaemia tendency.
- Unresolved betrayal, defensiveness and rigidity.
- Neuromuscular tension in thoracic vertebrae corresponded to local absence of the IPB - 253'
c) Collarette bridge formation - 244'~251' , tendency to progesterone deficiency, autoimmunity and  family history of blood sugar imbalance amplify by the inferior temporal flatness - 230'~253'.
d) An indentation of the collarette - 265' indicates cardiovascular risk, heart disease.
e) Extroflession of the IPB - 300' (possibly a pigment attached and adjacent to the IPB !) suggest Space Risk 8 concerns with tracheitis and whooping cough tendency.

a) Globular sign
b) Extroflession of the IPB, the pigmented retinal epithelium extended towards to inner pupillary zone - 140' suggest Space Risk 21 concerns with abdomen and thigh disturbances / muscle cramps.
c) Lateral Temporal Flatness - 280'~305' indicates :
- Potential of circulatory and asthma problems.
- Emotional heart problems correlation with indented collarette - 265'-Rx

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