Monday, February 27, 2012

Deviation, Multiple Morphologies & Hypertrophy of the IPB Structure / Inner Pupillary Signs - (jah) - 1

General hypertrophy of the IPB

Deviation of the Frontal IPB Structure

a) & d) V Shaped IPB, please refer to Dr. Daniele Lo Rito, the book of " Inner Pupillary Border " in emotional level of explanation.
b) Palisade Fenseposts at the frontal of the IPB corresponded to Space Risk 9 & 10 - Rx and interconnected with the multiple crypts at the intestinal areas due to inhibition of the MALT.
c) Introflession of the IPB - 25' concern with Space Risk evaluation.
e) Squared IPB at the ventral section of the IPB.
f) Double IPB at (1) & (2).


1) Multiple crypts formations located inside the pupillary zone in the classical topographical areas of jejunum and duodenum indicates :
a) Diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis, intestinal polyposis and degradation of intestinal immunity (MALT) tendencies. ( John Andrews, Iris & Pupillary Signs, 3rd)
b) Embryological signs - 180', 190', 210', 220', 230' & 235' indicates kidneys stress, uterus and urinary bladder disturbances, stress in duodenum and blood sugar imbalance tendencies.
2) Crypts relate to energy blocks and refer to as "Energy Cysts" resulting from physical and or emotional trauma.
3) Observe the closed lacuna attached on the border of the collarette at 135' & 292' suggest  pancreas dysfunction, blood sugar imbalance, hypoglycaemia tendency.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Radial Furrows & Indentation of the Collarette - Multidimensional Approach - (sara)



Observe the sharp indentation of the collarette and radii solaris / major/minor radial possessing with great depth / deeper groove with darkened area formation radiate from IPB and terminate to ciliary zone or border of the collarette in any 360', it manifests a multidimensional approach of
- The importance sign of hypothalamus  - minor ray at 0' inner pupillary zone -Lx
- Time Risk marking.
- Classical & Embryological evaluation.
- The Emtional Dynamics of the Collarette evaluation.
- Vaccination reaction.
- Gastrointestinal disturbances.
- Psycho-emotional relates to feelings of inferiority, forceful father figure, defensive posture and disturbances in stomach energetics, according to John Andrews.

Take note the local indentation of the collarette at 110' - Rx suggest thymus stress which indicates :
- Chronic fatigue Syndrome
- Chronic stress
- Autoimmune compromised
- Poor cell-Mediated  Immunity
(John Andrews, Immunology & Iridology)

Indented IPB / Introflession of the IPB - 290' - Rx suggest Space Risk 9 relate to heart condition.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Radial Furrow / Major Ray at 0' & Double IPB



a) Radial furrow / Major radial radiate from the IPB to the ciliary zone with great depth of the groove located at the frontal cerebral area - 0' / 360' indicates
- Time Risk marking.
- Part of Stress Axis formation - Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal.
- The experience of a deep and profound trauma - Traumatic birth experienced.
- Vaccination reaction.
- Hypothalamus stress - Compromised in CNS, Immunity and Neuroendocrine.
- Intestinal dysfunction.
The stress in hypothalamus can be at the root cause of any condition.
(John Andrews, Immunology & iridology)
b) Double IPB at the frontal section of the IPB indicate inherited tendency to have nervous and anxiety inhibited to that individual. The person have a masked vulnerability, possibly due to the experience of bullying in childhood, according to John Andrews.

Solitary Crypt at Inner Pupillary Zone - 225' - Multidimensional Approach


Crypt located inside border of the collarette / inner pupillary zone - 225' :
- Classical & embryological relates to stress in duodenum, potential of duodenitis or duodenal ulcer.

- The duodenum is the conflict of male and female. Fear of rejection, father/mother fusion.
(John Andrews, Emotional Approach in iridology)
- Emotional issues of worry and bitterness. ( The Emotional dynamics of the Collarette)
- Time Risk marking, stress / traumatic event at 22.5
- DHS relate to pancreas, irregularity of blood sugar.

Extroflession of the IPB - 35' & Distorted S Sign IPB - (mash)-2


Extroflession of the IPB suggest Space Risk 5 indicate tonsillitis and laryngitis tendency.

Squared IPB & Local Absence of the IPB at 53' - (mash)-1


You may notice the squared IPB correlation with the local absence of the IPB at 53'. The Space Risk is corresponded to squared sign of the IPB... What do you observe in point C ? please identify this morphology / shape attached on the temporal section of the IPB.

a) & b) Squared IPB located ventral section of the IPB structure corresponded with the absence of the IPB in 53' as Space Risk 7 both embryologically relates to thyroid dysfunction, a family history of hypothyroidism. The squared IPB have a tendency to calcium-magnesium imbalance, according to John Andrews. Muscular cramping and spasm, abdominal cramping, colitis and vertigo, according to Dr. Daniele Lo Rito.
c) Suggest distorted S sign of the IPB indicates :
- Endocrine imbalance and hyperprolactinaemia tendency.
- Tendency to hormonal reactivity.
- Subfertility and  impotence in men and reduced libido.
(John Andrews, Iris & Pupillary Signs, 3rd)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Koch's Sign & Localised Hypertrophy / Thickening of the Collarette at 85' to 115' - Rx & Squared IPB - Lx - (ange)


Importance iris signs to be observed :
a) IPB Morphologies : W, Cylindrical & Pearls.
b) Please identify the C1 & C2 whether this is hypertrophy of double collarette in that sectional areas ?
Sectional double collarette - 310' to 345' :
-  Relates to irritation of mesenteric lymphatics, nervous system and compromise in HPA axis (355'-5'-185'), according to John Andrews.
- Attention to adjacent organ areas - ear, medulla oblongata and cerebellum.
c) Sectional hypertrophy of the collarette at 85' to 115' colleration with the koch's sign at 280' ( differentiate with Collarette Bridge !)
- Tendency to have autoimmune Hashimoto's disease of the thyroid ( partial thickening of the collarette - 85' to 115').
- Suggest Koch's sign at 280' indicates :
 i) Family history of miscarraige and ectopic pregnancies according to John Andrews & Dr. Di  Spazio.
ii) Tendency to vitamin E deficiency.
iii) Hashimoto's disease - Autoimmune Thyroiditis.
( John Andrews, Immunology & Iridology)
d) Contraction furrow intersect with Radial Furrow at 280' amplify the lung stress.
e) Minor ray at inner pupillary zone at 0' embryological relate to hypothalamus stress
- An indentation of the collarette co-sign with radial furrow at 185' indicate adrenal fatigue with emotional tension.
f) Radial furrows located in the frontal cerebral areas - 5', 33' & 355' relates to stress in pituitary gland, frontal sinusitis and hypothalamus stress. Suggest HPA axis - 355' + 5' + 185'.


a) Squared signs in the frontal section of the IPB tendency to thyroid imbalance ( also refer to Koch's sign and partial hypertrophy of the collarette at thyroid reflexive zone - Rx)
b) Double IPB - Inherited tendency to anxiety and nervous in that person.
c) Local absence of the IPB - 245' suggest Space Risk 16 indicate adrenal stress.
d) Embryological & Classical signs - crypts and defect marking at 133', 200' & 245' potential of ovary and Pouch of Douglas disturbances, and blood sugar imbalance ( crypts in 245').