Thursday, February 23, 2012

Radial Furrow / Major Ray at 0' & Double IPB



a) Radial furrow / Major radial radiate from the IPB to the ciliary zone with great depth of the groove located at the frontal cerebral area - 0' / 360' indicates
- Time Risk marking.
- Part of Stress Axis formation - Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal.
- The experience of a deep and profound trauma - Traumatic birth experienced.
- Vaccination reaction.
- Hypothalamus stress - Compromised in CNS, Immunity and Neuroendocrine.
- Intestinal dysfunction.
The stress in hypothalamus can be at the root cause of any condition.
(John Andrews, Immunology & iridology)
b) Double IPB at the frontal section of the IPB indicate inherited tendency to have nervous and anxiety inhibited to that individual. The person have a masked vulnerability, possibly due to the experience of bullying in childhood, according to John Andrews.

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