Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Koch's Sign & Localised Hypertrophy / Thickening of the Collarette at 85' to 115' - Rx & Squared IPB - Lx - (ange)


Importance iris signs to be observed :
a) IPB Morphologies : W, Cylindrical & Pearls.
b) Please identify the C1 & C2 whether this is hypertrophy of double collarette in that sectional areas ?
Sectional double collarette - 310' to 345' :
-  Relates to irritation of mesenteric lymphatics, nervous system and compromise in HPA axis (355'-5'-185'), according to John Andrews.
- Attention to adjacent organ areas - ear, medulla oblongata and cerebellum.
c) Sectional hypertrophy of the collarette at 85' to 115' colleration with the koch's sign at 280' ( differentiate with Collarette Bridge !)
- Tendency to have autoimmune Hashimoto's disease of the thyroid ( partial thickening of the collarette - 85' to 115').
- Suggest Koch's sign at 280' indicates :
 i) Family history of miscarraige and ectopic pregnancies according to John Andrews & Dr. Di  Spazio.
ii) Tendency to vitamin E deficiency.
iii) Hashimoto's disease - Autoimmune Thyroiditis.
( John Andrews, Immunology & Iridology)
d) Contraction furrow intersect with Radial Furrow at 280' amplify the lung stress.
e) Minor ray at inner pupillary zone at 0' embryological relate to hypothalamus stress
- An indentation of the collarette co-sign with radial furrow at 185' indicate adrenal fatigue with emotional tension.
f) Radial furrows located in the frontal cerebral areas - 5', 33' & 355' relates to stress in pituitary gland, frontal sinusitis and hypothalamus stress. Suggest HPA axis - 355' + 5' + 185'.


a) Squared signs in the frontal section of the IPB tendency to thyroid imbalance ( also refer to Koch's sign and partial hypertrophy of the collarette at thyroid reflexive zone - Rx)
b) Double IPB - Inherited tendency to anxiety and nervous in that person.
c) Local absence of the IPB - 245' suggest Space Risk 16 indicate adrenal stress.
d) Embryological & Classical signs - crypts and defect marking at 133', 200' & 245' potential of ovary and Pouch of Douglas disturbances, and blood sugar imbalance ( crypts in 245').

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