Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Unilateral Mydriasis, Stress Axis, Constricted, Hyperplastic, Zig-Zag, Double, Bridge & Frontal U-shaped Collarette with Distorted "Heart" Shaped Lacuna-(Rx), Pineal Stress, Medial Nasal Flatness & Bridge Collarette - (Lx) - (vas)

Distorted Heart Lacuna

a) Unilateral Mydriasis, Constricted, Hyplastic, Zig-Zag  and Frontal U-Shape Collarette with hypothalamus stress at 0' & HPA Axis formation - Hypothalamus+Pituitary+Adrenal (180').
b)  Local indentation of the collarette suggest multidimensional approach - Classical, Embrylogical, Time Risk & Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette evaluation.
c) Double collarette at the lateral temporal section indicate irritation of mesenteric lymphatics, nervous system and compromise in the Adrenal+Pituitary+ Hypothalamus axis, HPA axis. You may consider " Therapy Resistance" for this duouble collarette formation.
d) Distorted Heart Lacuna - External Distorted lacuna indicate dysbiosis with an allergic reaction tendency. 


a) Radial Furrow extend form the the border of the collarette to cilairy zone at 13' suggest Pineal stress.
b) Collarette bridge with linear formation at 300'~325' indicate progesterone deficiency tendency, blood sugar imbalance history, insulin resistance and hyperprolactinaemia, dysglycaemia tendency.
c) Medial Nasal Flatness at 265'~300' accompanied with a closed lacuna at 280' indicates tendencies to breathing difficulties, & bronchitis tendency also check for cardiac and thyroid condition.
You may continue to analyse the structural signs attached on the collarette and ciliary zone.....

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