Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Stress Axis, Constricted, Frontal Indentation, Multiple local Indentation & Linear of the Collarette - (vas)

a) HPA Axis at 358' & 180'- Hypothalamus+Pituitary+Adrenal. Observe the Frontal Indentation of the collarette relate to Depression in the family history, a possible of Manic Depression when formed in Rx iris.
b) Local indentation of the collarette at 30' & 70' suggest Time Risk, Embryological & Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette evaluation.

The hypothalamus stress at 0' combination with restricted collarette structure suggest a client having a strong inheritance of the maternal DNA, genetic, epigenetic dominant  in Lx iris !


a) Hypothalamus stress at 0'
b) An indentation of the collarette adjacent to the edge of the IPB at 190', amplify the multidimensional approach and evaluation.
c) Linear collarette at 54'~124'.

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