Thursday, December 22, 2011

Hypertrophy & Multiple IPB Morphologies - (ali-2)


Hypertrophy of the IPB indicative of hyperactivity of immune system, autoimmunity, increased tissue acidity & dysglycaemia. Over-reaction tendency with Immune responses, endocrine responses, inflammatory reactions & blood sugar compensation, according to John Andrews.

a) Local extroflession of the IPB structure, suggest Space Risk evaluation.
b) & c) Squared IPB at the frontal IPB, suggest relate to thyroid imbalance.
d) Indentation of the IPB structure.
e) Multiple Heart shaped IPB indicates Fibromyalgia tendency.
f) An External Curvature Cat' Claw sign indicates suppression of the GALT and changes in the serotonin levels and hypothalamus migraine tendency.
g) Neurolappen IPB, localised hypertrophy of the IPB indicates tendency to nervous sensitivities with anxiety , tension and possible depression with insomnia problem.
h) Suggest Teardrop formation , the shape is the IPB drops out into the pupil and tend to be located ventrally along the IPB ( the actual shaped showing below was not exactly drops out into the pupil surface, I leave it to you for further verification....)

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