Wednesday, December 21, 2011

IPB Frontal Indentation, IPB Morhologies, Embryological Signs & Erratic Collarette - (ali-1)

Rx, Male,49

M Sign with IPB Frontal indentation  - According to John Andrews, it indicates stress, impaired nutrition, compromise of the PNEI pathways & hypothalamus when out of balance will have a direct influence on the blood sugar levels in terms of gastrointestinal, cravings & metabolic symptoms.

a) Observe the Misshapen Collarette, IPB M sign combination with embryological sign at 60', closed lacuna attached on the border of the collarette at 65' and indented Torpedo lacuna at 295' indicates blood sugar imbalance, pancreas dysfunction, hypoglycemia tendencies.
b) Melanin pigment located topolabile at 70' with cornea arcus at limbus suggest liver stress with poor fat metabolism.
c) Closed lacuna at 145', minor ray / radial furrow emanate from the IPB edge to the border collarette at 165', closed lacuna at 190', crypts at inner pupillary zone - 225' and major ray at 335' with leaf lacuna at 342' indicates possible prostate, kidney and duodenum disturbances and cerebellum stress.

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