Monday, November 21, 2011

Multidimensional Approach of the Collarette - (wolf-2)


- Partial atrophy of the IPB structure.
- Hyperthropic with Zig-Zag collarette.
- Multiple radial furrows located in the frontal cerebral section.
- Multiple melanin pigments and crypt located at the inner pupillary zone- 25', 70', 75', 110'~122', 150' and  275' suggest embrylogical evaluation, find the pigment located nearest to the inner pupillary edge.
- Multiple bridge collarette.
- Indentation of the collarette at 105' and brown pigment co-sign with minor ray attached on the collarette at 295' suggest Time Risk and Emotional Dynamics consideration.
-Take note the co-sign at 252' and the smallest crypts at the humoral zone - 115' and 144'

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