Monday, November 21, 2011

Multidimensional Analysis - Space Risk, Spinal Reflex IPB, Classical, Embryological, DHS, Time Risk, Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette - (wolf-1)

Rx-iris, Male, 71
Premilinary Asscessment :

1) Partial Atrophy of the IPB
 - Some IPB is in sectional missing and the remaining is considered normal and hypothrophic.
- Poor adaptability to stress and neuroenddocrine tendencies.

2) Pigmented & Localised Absence in Frontal IPB at 340'~20'.
- Orange pigment adjacent to the localised absence of the IPB in frontal section manifests :
a) Distortion in the frontal structure of the IPB at 340'~20' relates to :
i) low resistance to emotional or physical trauma.
ii) possible psychosomatic illness.
b) Space Risk & Spinal IPB consideration :
i) Space Risk 3, 2 & 1 relates to vertigo, insomnia, migraine, sinus and face related problem.
ii) Spinal neuromuscular tension at Cervical Vertebrae.

3) Orange & Brown Pigments at the Inner Pupillary Zone - 120', 165' & 320'~330'.
- Embryological & Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette Analysis :
i) Blood sugar imbalance, pancreas dysfunction and self limitation problem - 120'
ii) Spleen deficiency - 165'
iii) Liver disturbance, cardiac arrest problem and survival issue in financial or career aspects and feeling of vulnerability - 320'~330'.

4) Hyperthrophy & Zig-Zag Collarette indicates :
i) Nervous irritability, congestion of intestinal lymph nodes, compromised of the immune system and disturbances in calcium metabolism, food intolerance, and tendency to inflammatory in the splenic and hepatic condition.
ii) Tendencies to have IBS, ulcerative colistis, poor peristalsis, mood swing and anxiety condition.

5) Sectional Linear Collarette at 85'~115'.
- Dysglycemia tendency.

6) Local Indented Collarette at 275'.
- Time Risk consideration at the age of 74 or 14 during childhood, related to grief issue.

7) Radial Furrows with Major & Minor Rays concentrate on the Frontal & Ventral section of the Collarette.
- Major ray at 0', 25' and 340' and minor ray in the cerebral areas indicates hypothalamus and pineal stress, Time Risk evaluation, cerebral weakness, poor nerve supply in digestive system, poor concentration, vertigo, memory loss, headache and vaccination stress reaction.

8) Multiple Melanin Granulation Pigments in Ventral Ciliary zone.
- Brown pigments indicate poor liver function.
- Take note the co-sign with radial furrow at 190' and the nearest to the collarette at 165'.

9) Cornea Arcus surround the iris limbus.
- poor fat metabolism, possible fatty liver

10) Observe the Co-Signs & the Axis formation.
- The Axis formation by radial furrows at 0' and 180' indicate hypothalmus and pituitary stress with adrenal fatigue.

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