Saturday, August 27, 2011

Schwalbe's Contraction Furrow in the Frontal Brain - Time Risk - (mat)


1) Deep contraction furrow or major ray emanate from the pupillary border crossing the pupillary zone, collarette border toward to the ciliary zone in the frontal brain section at the 10' ( the degree is not strictly at 0'/360') can be considered as hypothalamus or pituitary stress. Potential experiencing an emotional stress, difficult birth on his mother during gave birth to him or separation from his mother when as infant or other possibility will be experience a traumatic stress, issue of loosing of control at the age of 58.
2) Indented lacuna at the 140' - 37, physical stress in urinary, emotional issue of betrayal, letting go of accumulated toxic emotions (J.Anderws, Emotional Anatomy).
The client is well fit in physical and stable emotion , full vegetarian and everyday exercise meditation and chanting. Whether the present age of 51was already overcomed so called " inherited problems" or will it be solving/minimizing the future age of 58 /10' ( potential traumatic stress) !

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