Saturday, August 27, 2011

Radii Solaris / Radial Furrows - (slc)

Rx, Male, 40

1) The overall smooth ciliary zone highlighted by deep radial furrow located in the frontal brain zone - 10' and 200' indicate hypothalamus and pineal stress, disturbances in appendix and pelvis.


1) Radial furrows at the frontal brain zone of 13', 30' & 340' indicates limbic system compromised, emotional disturbances, stress in peyer's patches , pituitary gland, cerebellum and possible maxillary sinus.
2) Minor rays at 63', 170' and 185' indicates possible blood sugar imbalance, renal pelvis, kidney and adrenal fatigue.
3) Closed lacuna attached the border of the collarette at 90' relate predisposition to cardiovascular disturbances.
4) Light brown patches started from pupillary edge to the border of the collarette which covered the pupillary section from 300' to 315', suggest disturbances in ileum zone, the adjacent organs of pancreas and tonsils is considered.

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