Saturday, July 09, 2011

Multidimensional Iridology Analysis - (pc)


- Observe the small lacunae in the inner pupillary and ciliary zone.
- Brown pigment granulation topostabile located in the liver zone.
- Typical pancreas lacuna located in the pancreas reflexive zone.

Embryological & Modern Iridology Analysis :
1) Radial furrow, minor ray extends from the border collarette to ciliary zone at 15' concerns with limbic system compromised, emotional stress and tension.
2) Radial furrow with thicken collarette at 42' potential sinus and nasal problem.
2) Radial furrow at 355' suggest hypothalamus stress.
3) Crypts inside thew pupillary border at 85' relates to thyroid stress and cardia deficiency.
4) Internal lacuna inside the pupillary zone - 128' relates to pancreatic dysfunction. Potential pylorus and  jejunum stress.
5) Crypt penetrate the border of the collarette in 130' concerns with blood sugar imbalance. Concern with pylorus stress.
6) Internal radial furrow in deep level formation at 175' suggest hypothalamus stress and spleen deficiency.
7)  Crypts located in the ciliary zone at 180' indicate significant impact on the kidneys functions.
8) Indented open lacuna with hypertrophy wreath at 215' potential of ovarian stress.
9) Brown pigments topostabile in liver zone suggest liver disturbances.
10) Brown patches attached in the lung reflex areas. Possible lung stress, bronchitis problem.
11) Distorted wreath with crypts at 280;' potential of thyroid dysfunction and relate heart condition

The above findings will be extended to examine via IPB analysis.

Space Risk Analysis : Local absence of the Rx- IPB
1) 352' ~ 10' - Space Risk 1 & 2 - Tendency to headache, migraines, insomnia, vertigo and paranasal sinus. Psychological stress.
2) 70' - Space Risk 9 - Potential heart problem, cardiovascular risk.
3) 73' ~ 83' - Space Risk 10 & 11 - Lung stress, bronchitis, gall bladder deficiency.
4) 223' - Space Risk 20 - Gastrointestinal disturbances, intestinal dybiosis.

IPB Morphologies & Space Risk Analysis - Local absence of the Lx - IPB
1) Squared IPB in ventral section indicates genetic history of hypothyroidism, tendency to thyroid dysfunction.
2) 202' ~ 210 ' - Space Risk 25, 24 & 23 - Hip problem, stress and muscle tension in lower extremities and potential stress in sacrum.
3) 267' ~ 275' - Space Risk 13 & 12 - Gastrointestinal disturbances, gastric ulcerations and liver stress involvement.
4) 315' ~ 328' - Space Risk 6, 5 & 4 - Possible muscle spams in neck and shoulder, respiratory problem, bronchitis, potential nasal polyps and rhinitis.

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