Saturday, July 09, 2011

Inner and Outer Pupillary with Multidimensional Iridology Analysis - (yd)

Female, Age-9, Lx iris
1) Brown pigment located in the frontal section and nearest to the edge of the IPB suggests :
- Space Risk 1 : Genetic determined of headache, migraine and sleep disorder problem.
- Gastrointestinal disturbances.
- Hypothalamus stress and potential problem in oesophagus.
- Limbic system compromised. Stress in negative emotions
2) An Indentation of the closed lacuna penetrate the border of the collarette at 75' ~ 80' suggests :
- Genetic determined of heart sign. Potential of cardiovascular risk.
- Tendency to adrenal fatigue and thyroid dysfunction.
- An unresolved emotional problem relate to family issues.

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