Monday, May 02, 2011

Multidimensional Iridology

In my opinion, the practise of multidimensional iridology analysis of the iris by no means to scrutinize each of every iris markings or structural signs over diagnosis that overwhelm yourself, when you get certain level of skill or expertise, only have to identify the predominant and exact signs with mean and giving recommendation and apply to the client condition.

The Multidimensional Iridology it carry multiple levels of meaning and interpretation in term of physical, psycho-emotional, psychoneuroendocrineimmunology, genetic and epigenetics approaches.

To promote, practice and study the Multidimensional Iridology, to analyse an iris beginning an overview of Cnstitution/Disposition/Diathesis, then starting on  inner realm of Pupil Tonus, IPB Morphologies, Space Risk, then extend to analyse the inner pupillary border of Embryological signs, Immune Cell & PNEI, Love Dynamics, Dirk Hamer & Spiritual Iridology analysis, collarette border of Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette ,Time Risk. Physical & Emotional approach consist ciliary zone of Brain Reflex &Visceroemotional analysis, The Axis in Iridology (Stress-Immune-Thyroid-Depression) and Cardio-Abdominal-Renal-Pancreas Syndrome.

I like to appreciate and give my great gratitude to Dr. Daniele Ro Lito about his great work on Multidimensional Iridology, the author of Space Risk, Time Risk, IPB Morphologies, Iris-Archeology, Embryological Analysis, Dirk Hamer Syndrome Model Analysis, Spiritual Iridodolgy and Love in Iridology analysis on the collarette, and so on as his endless contribution to the Multidimensional Iridology fields.

And also, many thanks to learn from John Andrews about his work on IPB Morphologies, Embryological Analysis, Immune Cell  & PNEI , Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette, Emotional Approach in Iridology, The Axis in Iridology & Visceroemotional approach and Multidimensional Iridology.

My appreciation to Dr.David Pesek, learning from his teaching of Holistic Iridology, especially the work on Brain Reflex Analysis, Emotional and Holistic approach in Iridology.

My IIPA instructor Dr. Ellen-Tart Jensen, thank for her passion on teaching, guidance  and encouragement , and qualified me as Certified Comprehensive Iridologist.

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