Saturday, April 30, 2011

Time Risk Analysis - 2f

Current Age: 48, Male, Rx
The following explanation of potential and possible psychosomatic stress, trauma experienced events are based on the iris marking and structural signs on the collarette of  Emotional Dynamics and Time Risk analysis.
1) Bridge formation at @ 345' - Age : 2.5 (toddler stage) / 62.5 (advanced adulthood stage).
- Possible paternal issue of acceptance (Rx), potential issue of conflict relationship in father & son.
- Stress in indecision, self-doubt, feeling nervous exhaustion, feeling drained at this time of age-62+/-, potential physical nervous exhaustion.
2) Lacunae formation at @295' - Age 12 ~ 13 (pre-adolescence).
- Suppression of expression, a challenge of psychological or emotional expression.
- Potential experience of betrayal and guilt.
- Family trauma.
3) Crypt and minor radial formation at @220' - Age 23 (adult stage).
- Feeling stress and anxiety in education or career path, life challenging to face, learn and overcome.
4) Asparagus lacuna indented the collarette at @ 195' - Age 28 (early adulthood stage).
- Conflict issues of relationship and partnership in business and career.
- Extremely challenging time.
5) Crypts formation at @120' - Age 40 (middle adulthood).
- Overcoming one-self of life path :  possible deep emotional issues of low self -esteem , self limitation and self-critique.
6) Deep major radial furrow at @ 18' - Age 57 ~ 58 (middle adulthood).
- The possible experience of a deep and profound trauma in this point of time.
- Deep evolution.
- Extreme stress affecting the physical body.
- Issue of self- independence or conflict of self- restriction or freedom in realization.

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