Thursday, April 21, 2011

IPB & Space Risk Analysis-1b

1)Omega/Crab sign (approx 60%) -
a)Personal and family medical history of tonsillitis.
b)Genetic tendency to Rheumatoid Arthritis.
c)Unexpressed anger.
2)M-Sign - Genetic tendency to blood sugar imbalance.
3)Pearl Sign - Tendency family history of intestinal polyposis, intestinal tumours, intestinal dybiosis and inflammatory bowel conditions.
5)Target Sign - Liver involvement.

6)Absence IPB - Space Risk 16 - Adrenal fatigue, allergies, tangible and intangible fears, unable to take the first step, blocking a previous drive, overly sensitive.
7)Triangle Sign - Indicate gastro-intestinal disturbances with immunological complications and systemic toxicity involving the liver. The client having brown pigment granulation in Lx iris, suggest genetic liver degeneration and cornea acrus/cholesterol inorganic salts surrounding the limbus, Age 32, suggest potential heart disease.
8)Globular Sign - Dybiosis, gastric ulcer and linked to systemic toxicity.
9)Double IPB - Tendency to anxiety, nervous and have a masked vulnerability, possibly due to the experience of bullying in childhood.Which support the findings in refer to Embryological Analysis-1a, the crytpoid formation in the cerebral areas of pituitary and hypothalamus with the indented wreath in adrenal reaction field, that formed the HPA Stress Axis.

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