Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Embryolobgical Analysis -1a

1)Pituitary stress,@345'.
2)Pituitary and cerebellum stress, suggest brain flairs analysis for determine the client's behavioural and emotional status,@350'.
3)Hypothalamus, limbic system compromise. HPA Stress - Crypts in (Pituitary + Hypothalamus)+ Indentation of the collarette in adrenal reaction field. Medulla oblongata, suggest genetic breathing compromise and survival issue in business, career and fanancial aspects,@360'.
4)Oesophagus stress @ 355'
5)Pancreas sign, genetically inherited blood sugar imbalance,@60'.
5)No embryological sign.
6)Hypothalamus sign in ventral section, spleen deficiency, immunological compromise,@215'.
7)Testicular disturbances, refer to brown pigment co-sign with radial formation located in the teste reflex area (Part-2), potential of duodenum stress,@215'.
8)Duodenum stress,@220'. The person claimed in good condition of digestion and elimination system,@220'.
9)Pancreas sign,@230'.
10)Embryological sign of thyroid stress, refer to square IPB,Part-3. laryns/Pharynx,@285'~295'.
11)Liver stress,@310'.Refer brown pigmentation in Part-2.
12)Heart stress, potential heart disease, both iris with lipemic diathesis,@330'.
13)Potential disturbance in duodenum & appendix,embryological sign,@190'~200'.Classical topography in appendix area.

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