Friday, November 05, 2010

Our Guide.....

"An Indian by birth, a Swami by choice, Sadhu by temperament, his ideas are nurtured by simple, universal truths repeated endlessly in all cultures - Serve, Love, Give - Selflessly"
He was born as Chandrashekar on 7th April, 1934 in a small village called Tirukovillur in South India. In his young days he came into contact with the great master Swami Gnanananda Giri, who became his initial spiritual guide.

When he was fourteen, he followed an inner voice and left home to find his destiny. He found it at the foothills of the Himalayas, in Rishikesh, in the form of the revered master Swami Sivananda Saraswathi. Initiated into Sanyas, he was given the name Swami Shantanand Saraswathi. The next 14 years were spent in the service of the Master, receiving in return priceless pearls of wisdom.

In 1965, after the Mahasamadhi of Swami Sivananda, he left the sanctuary of the ashram in search of his destiny. He wandered around India, with only the Divine voice within to guide him. In 1969 he was invited to Colombo, Sri Lanka where providence brought him into contact with some people from Malaysia. They were so taken up with the young swami with a melodious voice, that they invited him to come to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He eventually came to Malaysia for the first time in November 1971.

His story continues........ ours begins.
In 1971, he was invited to Malaysia to give a talk on philosophy, religion and how we can live a life that reconciled both the mundane and the spiritual. Upon his landing, he made a silent prayer to his great master Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh:

"Dear master, I do not know why you have brought me here, but let me be worthy of your love and grace."
He was hosted by a family and through them met a number of other families. His gatherings were filled with songs in praise of God and his talks illuminated almost every conceivable subject pertinent to life and living. These discourses captured the minds of professionals and civil servants alike. His Holiness Swami Shantanand Saraswathi is his full name, but to one and all he is lovingly known as Swamiji.
He said:
"Follow any path, religion or doctrine, but believe in it sincerely, because the sincerity of your belief will illuminate and guide you to the ultimate goal of human existence."
He taught the universal message of LOVE FOR GOD AND SERVICE TO FELLOW BEINGS.
Soon by word of mouth, his following spread from Kuala Lumpur to Penang, Johor Bahru, Singapore and also to Perth and Melbourne in Australia. As time passed a core of 100 families became his regular followers in each center over a period of 10 years and they affectionately referred to themselves as Shiva Family.

During his sojourn, he observed that our youth needed to learn and understand their rich cultural heritage. In 1981, he inspired two great dance masters who were his devotees, to establish a cultural centre in Kuala Lumpur that would impart knowledge of dance and music to children who had a desire to learn.

The masters were the late Master Gopal Shetty and the late Master VK Sivadas. Together with their wives, Radha Shetty and Vatsala Sivadas, who are still Artistic Directors of the institution, they taught dance under the ancient guru-disciple tradition which was based on love and respect for the guru.Thus was born the Temple of Fine Arts.


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