Friday, November 05, 2010

Medical Palmistry Analysis

1) An advanced stress located in the eye reflex area indicate potential of deficiency in lung function,bronchitis problem.
2)Medium stress in stomach.
3) Medium stress located in the are of heart, concern about effeficiency of blood circulation in the body system.
4) #6 lines located cutting horinzontally in the line indicates potential the stress and insufficiency of blood circulation in the body system, fatigue and stress condition.
5) Medium stress in liver's detoxification system.
6) #6 lines located in the #3 line indicates stress and fatigue in body condition.
7) Deviding line occured in the point of kidney reflex area.
8) Medium stress in the extreme areas of urinary bladder and prostate.

1) An advanced lung stress in this area.
2) Multiple #6 lines indicates stress in liver, heart, deficiency in blood circulation, fatigue and low energy condition.
3) Kidney stress
Close view on the #6 lines indicate the health condition is diminish, stress and fatigue.

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