Thursday, April 08, 2010

Sclerology Analysis - 30

1) An anxiety stress line stemming from the Nerve Fray zone, indicate nerve stress or depletion.
2) The stress with Y fork formation approachung the stomach area which indicate possible of nervous stomach, the digestive disorders caused by emotional imbalance.

1) Lymphatic stress with infections or possible of parasites involvement.
2,3) Pocket infection stress in the Liver and Gall Bladder reflex zone. Suggestive of bacterial or parasites involvement.

1) Congested stress in Parathyroid reflex area.
2) Congestion stress line in Thyroid expanding to the rim of the iris in the reflex area of Spinal nerve. Possible of disturbances in Thyroid & Parathyroid functions.
3,4) The congestion stress lines was stemming from the Adrenal zone towards to the Spinal reflex areas. Indicate the imbalance of Thryoid and Adrenal functions that impacted the Spinal nerve function.

1) Adrenal stress line expanding to Sacrum, Coccyx and Lumbar vertebrae reflex areas.
2) Infection stress line formated in the Adrenal and Spinal nerves areas.
3) Congestion stress line formated in the Bladder and possible affected the Kidney function as well.
4) Encapsulated stress in the Bladder and Colon zone.
5) The affected areas combined of 2 stress lines :
a) Congestion line in the Groin area.
b) Critical stress line in the Pancreas area.
6) An advanced congestion stress line stemming from the Hepatic Flecture zone toward to Liver reflex zone.
7) Pocket infection stress in the Bile Duct and Hepatic Flecture areas. Indicate disturbances in Liver and Gall Bladder functions.
8) Critical stress line in the Liver area. Inidcate high Liver stress.

1) Vital force stress line - Potential of Chronic Fatigue Syndrom, nerve stress and depletion, low energy, libido and concentration, diziness and headache.

1) Pocket infection stress in the region of Lung, left liver lobe and potential of Cardiovascular stress.
2) Pocket infection stress also covered the Heart and Aorta reflex areas. Indicate deficiency in blood circulation, potential of Heart failure problem.

1, 2) Pocket infection stress affected in the region of Thyroid and Spinal reflex areas.

1) An Adrenal/Kidney congestion stress line, indicate a deficinecy in functions.
2) Pocket infection stress formed by the adrenal/kidney and Bladder stress lines. indicate a disturbances in these affected areas. Checking of urinary function is needed.
3) Possible formation pocket stress in the region lower back and pelvis areas.
4) An advanced congestion stress line stemming from the Bladder towards to Small Intestine area, possible indigestion disorders and Urinary Bladder deficiency.
5) Bladder congestion line crossing to the Groin area.
6) An extension of the Adrenal stress spreading towards to the Spinal reflex zone.
7) Possible of Lumbar and Low Thoracic vertebrae stress.
8) Medium stress formation in Groin area.
9) Normal stress line in Ovary zone.
10) Spleen stress line stemming from the Splenic Flecture reflex zone.

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