Friday, April 09, 2010

Iridology Analysis - 37

Patient : Female

1) Corneal Arcus sign, lipid content checking is required.
2) Semi-opened lacunae located at the Kidney reflex zone, potential of Kidney deficiency.
3) Open lacuna seated in the Ovary zone.
4) Contraction Furrows circulated around the ciliary zone, potential of emotional stress.
5, 6) Small lacunae or crypts located inside the collarette, indicate digestion disturbances.
7) Deep ray located in the Brain reflex zone.

1) Radii Solaris located in the Brain zone, inidcate nerve stress or depletion, headache, diziness, vertigo, poor concentration, low energy and possible experiencing emotional imbalance.

1) Contraction Furrows circulating around the ciliary zone.
2) Low density fiber structure in the Kidney zone.
3) Smaller closed lacuna located in the Thyroid zone.
4, 5 6) Minor rays located outside the boundary of the collarette, tendency of nerve stress and digestive disorders.

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