Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sclerology Analysis - 29

Left Sclera :

1) An Esophagus advanced stress stemming down to form a pocket stress in the Low Cervical and Thoracic Vertebrae reflex zone. Possible the pateint is experiencing back pain and stress.
2) An advanced Thyroid stress networking with the Esophagus stress line.
3) The branched out of the Kidney stress linking upwards to the Brain reflex area. Possible of glandular fatigued.

1) Bundle Branch stress lines.
2) Cardiovascular stress line spreading toward to the Heart reflex zone. Attention for blood circulation and regular excercise is needed.
3) cardiovascular stress line approaching to the Heart zone.

1) An advanced congestion stress in the Sacrum area, checking of back muscle tension is needed. The congestion line branched out to the right side of another force of advanced stress line (Y formation) adhered to the Bladder zone toward to the Prostate area. Question asking about the pateint's urination condition is recommended.
2) The left side of the congestion line stemming from the Sacrum zone moving horinzontally toward to the terrain of the Spinal Nerve zones ( in the areas of Lumbar vertebrae joinning to the Thoracic Vertebrae ). Actually the congestion line was formed with an encapsulation stress that joinning with the original source of Esophagus stress line ( Throat Zone).

1) Vital Force stress -Brain stress, poor circulation to the brain, an emotional imbalance, illness or experiencing an emotional tension & turbulence that difficult to handle, with the attitude of low-esteem, low morale, feeling of low energy, low initiative and mentally stress. Possible of Chronic Fatigue Sydrome.
2) Anxiety stress with possible of experiencing high tension and stress. Nerve stress and depletion.

Right Sclera :

1) An advanced Thyroid stress line stemming from the rim towards to the Pituitary area (2). Indicate an endocrine imbalance or glandular fatigue. The endocrine system glands such as : Thyroid, Parathyroid, Pituitary & Pineal, Thymus, Pancreas, Prostate and Adrenal - overly are exhausted.
3) The formation of network lines at the terrain of Spinal Cord Nerve reflex area.

1) Critical stress line stemming from the Liver zone to the Gall Bladder reflex area. Indicate the pateint's Liver & Gall Bladder is under chronic stress. Possible low efficiency in detoxification system and deficiency in secreting digestive enzyme (bile juice) to small intestine. A digestive disturbances was highlighted.
3) A formation of pocket infection in the Liver zone. Possible Parasites involvement in the Liver function.
2)Presentation of Lymphatic stress.
4) Stress line curving inward to the rim with a formation of encapsulated terrain that indicate Lymphatic congestion and sluggish. Lymphatic Draiage or Massage is needed.

1) Medium stress line with 3/4 curving down to the Prostate zone, indicate the stress line is gradually forming a pocket infection stress in the affected area. Further checking of Prostate is recommended.
1a) An advanced stress line was seated in the Adrenal area.
1b) The Adrenal stress encompassed with the Prostate stress line which formed an infection terrain in between of Adrenal, kidney and Prostate gland.
2) Pocket stress formation in the Colon area, which affected by the Adrenal stress.
3) Medium stress line with "S" curved formation stemming to Small Intestine reflex area. Possible deficiency in digestion.
3a) Pocket infection in the Bladder reflex zone. Further checking of Prostate & Bladder function is highly recommended. Question on urination condition.
4) Congestion line stemming from the Groin zone. The swollen of the lymp nodes will be infected that the groin swelling.
5) Congestion line stemming from the Colon moving toward to the Liver area. Liver stress is highlighted !!
6) A straight medium stress line stemming from the Hepatic Flecture toward to Liver reflex zone.
7) Critical Liver stress line stemming from the Colon area. Indicate all stresses were originated from the Colon or the "Plate".............the food that you eat !

1), 2), 4) & 5) indicate possible of Sinus infection.
3) An Advanced physiological congestion stress in the Speech & mental Ability reflex area, indicate of suppressed anger or appression that affecting the mental process and life.

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