Monday, March 29, 2010

Iridology & Foot Glyphology Analysis

1) Cholestrol Ring - indicate high lipid content in the body system. Possible fatty liver, deficiency in blood circulation.
2)& 3) Radial furrows located on the Brain reflex areas, indicate nerve stress and depletion that might cause heaadache, diziness, emotional stress and poor concentration problems.
4)Closed lacuna located in the Pancreas zone, indicate checking of digestive enzyme and glucose metabolism problems.
5)Closed lacuna located in the Lung area of the Bronchioles and Heart reflex zone, suggest checking the respiratory system and blood circulation ,possible of arteries problems due to high cholestrol level.

1) Left iris the rim also surrounded with cholestrol ring.
2) Semi-open lacuna located in the Testes reflex zone. Possible Testicle problem.
3) Closed lacuna located in the Kidney reflex zone. Inidcate Kidney stress.
4) Adrenal stress with the formation of closed lacuna. Revealed possible emotional imbalance.
5) Small crypts attached in the Pancreas reflex zone, suggest checking blood sugar and digestive condition.
6) Lung stress with open lacuna.

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