Saturday, March 13, 2010

Iridology Analysis -32

Right Iris

1) Lipemic Diathesis surrounding the limbus of the iris, tendency for liver dysfunction with disturbed fat or glucose metabolism.
2) Gall Bladder defect sign, possible deficiency in digestive enzyme. Possible Pancreas defect sign need to be clarified with patient about sugar level and digestion condition.
3) Stress Rings or Contraction Furrows, suggest outward character and highly self-motivated.
4) Closed lacunae located in between of Bronchioles and Heart zone, indicating possible of bronchitis and blood circulatory problems.
5) Radii Solaris was appeared in the Brain zone, indicating a poor concentration, restrictions in hormonal and blood circulation, and possible headache.

Left Iris

1) Minor ray in the brain zone, indicating Brain stress and a perpendicular with the axis of NO.9, which formed a "Stress Axis" indicate an emotional stress condition.
2) Elimination layer with black rim potential of having skin disorder problems.
3) Closed lacuna in the Heart zone. Possible deficiency in Circulatory system and high percentage in having cardiovascular risk.
4) Pancreas lacuna, suggest checking glucose level.
5) Potential of Pervis stress.
6) Closed lacuna with loose fiber structured which located inside the collarette, possible digestion problems.
7) Cholestrol ring.
8) Major ray presented in Brain zone. Suggest brain stress, sinus and headache.
9) Adrenal stress with potential of emotional imbalance.

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