Saturday, March 13, 2010

Foot Glyphology Analysis - 50

Parallel Lines indicate Bacterial involvement starting proliferating from the Bladder zone, crossing Small intestines, Kidney, Transverse Colon, Pancreas and joinning towards to Stomach reflex zone.
Closer view on the configuration and structure of the bio-sign of bacterial in the foot, representing the range of bacterial proliferation across the reflexive areas.
1) Stomach line crossing to Heart zone with " X" advanced stress line, indicate possible overeating can cause heart symptons such as palpitations. Another "X" stress line located in the Pancreas zone.
2) Bacterial tracking lines from Small Intestines crossing toward to Colon. The Parallel gap represent the "volumn" of bacterial involvement throughout the affecte region of the body.
3) Higher stress " Star-Mark" was concentrated in the Small Intestines region, indicate parasites involvement and possible indigestion, bloating, flatulence problems.

Vertical lines attached in the 4 toes, represent absorbing mineral imbalance or caused by eating too much food that depleting the important minerals from the body.

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