Saturday, January 09, 2010

Iridology Analysis- 30

Right iris

1) Semi mild cholestrol ring located in the brain zone. Attention of blood circulation is needed.
2) Stress rings - control of emotional disturbances - stress nad strain.
3) Potential stress in Testes/Ovary zone.
4) Closed lacuna located in the Bronchioles area, potential of lung stress.
5) small crytp located in the Heart reflex zone.

Left iris

1) Various closed lacunae seated inside the collarette, indicate potential of indigestion and assimilation problems.
2) Contraction Furrows sided on the Thyroid, Spinal and kidney reflex areas. Any disturbances should noted on these areas.
3) Various small crypts located in the lower abdomen area - Groin and pelvis.
4) Closed lacuna located in the adrenal zone.Emotional stress should be noted.
5) Closed lacuna was seated in the Bronchus area. Potential of asthma or lung stress.

Contracted Collarette - Indicates a tendency to constipation and sluggishness of the intestines. It may also find stagnation of the lymphatic fluid around the intestine, within the great number of lymph nodes located on the exterior of the large intestine, according to John Andrews.

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