Saturday, January 09, 2010

Iridology Analysis- 29

Right iris
Intermittent Collarette Wreath - tendency to spasms, appetite disorder, deficiency in digestive enzymes, delicate digestion, fatigued, tired, weak and not enough energy.
Examine organs outside of breaks in the collarette :
1) Spinal reflex zone - Spinal pain.
2) Bronchioles and Heart reflex zone - Possible of lung stress.
3) Pituitary and Pineal reflez zone - Possible of headache and emtional disturbance.
Scurf Rim - Dark distinct ring in the outer ciliary zone or limbus. Potential of skin disorder, such as psoriasis or eczema, suppressed skin elimination.
Left iris
1) Thin with squared shape collarette in the Heart and Lung zone.
2) Thin with intermittent structure of collarette in the Bronchus and Thyroid zone.
According to John Andrews, a thin collarette, have a potential of :
a) Emotionally and environmentally sensitivities.
b) These people tend to have a great deal of intuition, psychic and spiritual awareness, but this may cause problems for them if they are not grounded within themselves.
c) Potential of asthma, food intolerances, leaky gut syndrome and dysbiosis can be present.
1) Scurf Rim - skin disorder problem.
2) Stress Ring - Emotionally disturbances.

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