Wednesday, January 27, 2010



其中一位隊員Caason通過初階專業筆試及口試考核,而獲得連老師皮紋智庫創辦人連裕興教授親自頒予“合格評量顧問證書”表揚。Caason Tan 是於2009年2月中,高分通過連老師的筆試及口試,並於日前(2010年1月24日)連老師蒞檳教授《皮紋學快易通》課程時,親自頒予證書。

以下是連老師對於Caason Tan 的評語:“...他對於個別的紋型和位置所呈現的意義解釋非常好,只要整體綜合的理解再加強些就非常棒。口試則是相當流暢,解析專業性夠,表現相當有耐性,娓娓道來具說服力,重點是能夠把報表逐一正確描述,難能可貴,通過!!”


左起連老師、Caason Tan及闕老師合影



永悅皮紋部份隊員參與複訊課程後與連老師及闕老師合影由左至右:許永堅、葉麗霞、連老師、張悅悅、闕老師、Caason Tan

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sclerology Analysis- 13

1) An advanced 2 Y-Forces stress originating from the Liver Lobe heading towards to the Heart reflexive zone.
2) An advanced congestion stress located in the cardiovascular reflex zone.
3) Advanced stress crossing in between of these 2 ( 2,3) reflexive zone areas.
Possible effect will be :
1) Fatty liver casued by high cholestrol.
2) Circulatory problems.
3) Cardiovascular risk.

The above picture showing of the various Concentrated stress located in the Heart zone.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Haiti Earthquake "Strange," Strongest in 200 Years

The magnitude 7 earthquake that struck Haiti yesterday is the strongest earthquake to hit the region in more than two centuries, geologists say. (See Haiti earthquake pictures.)

While earthquakes are not uncommon in the Caribbean island country, the recent Haiti earthquake's intensity surprised experts.

"It's quite strange" from a historical perspective, said Julie Detton, a geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey.

Haiti is part of the island of Hispaniola, which also hosts the Dominican Republic. The last major earthquake to strike Haiti's side of the island was in 1860.

Yesterday's initial earthquake, which struck at about 5 p.m. local time yesterday, spawned dozens of aftershocks, about 15 of which were magnitude 5 or greater.

Whether the earthquake could trigger other major quakes is not known.

"It's not something that we can project is going to happen," Detton said.

"But definitely if you're moving two [plates] in one area, you're building up stress and strain in another."

Haiti Earthquake: Seismic Stresses

The Haiti earthquake was caused by the release of seismic stresses that had built up around two tectonic plates.

The motions of these plates create what are known as strike-slip faults, where two sections of Earth's crust are grinding past each other in opposite directions.

"The Caribbean plate is moving eastward with respect to the North American plate," Detton said.

When the stresses along the fault lines reach a certain point, they can be released in bursts of energy that cause earthquakes, although it's unclear when the energy will be discharged as a series of small quakes or as one big temblor.

Since Haiti is very close to the boundary where the Caribbean and North American plates meet, fault lines linked to the plates' movements run right through the country, Detton said.

In fact, the epicenter of the earthquake was about 10 miles (16 kilometers) southwest of Haiti's capital city, Port-au-Prince. (See a Haiti map.)

In addition, the Haiti earthquake was very shallow, being centered just 6.2 miles (10 kilometers) below Earth's surface.

This put impoverished Port-au-Prince close to the most intense shaking, contributing to the scale of the devastation: Thousands are feared dead and countless buildings have collapsed, from schools and hotels to the Haitian Parliament and local UN headquarters.

The American Red Cross estimates that the Haiti earthquake may have affected about three million people in total.

Ker Than
for National Geographic News
January 13, 2010

Haiti Earthquake

A Haitian woman emerges from the rubble on January 12 in the capital Port-au-Prince, which was completely devastated by a magnitude 7 earthquake.
The Haiti earthquake toppled buildings, including the president's National Palace, a hospital, and schools, trapping untold numbers in the debris and killing perhaps thousands of others.

After the Haiti earthquake, witnesses described "general mayhem" in the impoverished Caribbean city, which has no electricity, phone service, or passable roads, the New York Times reported.
"We can hear people calling for help from every corner. The aftershocks are ongoing and making people very nervous," observer Kristie van de Wetering told the Times.

As the dust settles following the Haiti earthquake, experts expect "catastrophic" damage and loss of life, the newspaper said. A third of Haiti's nine million people may need emergency aid, according to the International Red Cross

An injured child receives medical treatment after the Haiti earthquake in Port-au-Prince on January 13, 2010.

Haiti earthquake victims sleep in the streets of Port-au-Prince in the predawn hours of Wednesday, January 13, 2009. The January 12 earthquake's effects are being felt in every strata of Haitian society, from the capital's shantytowns to the presidential palace, which partially collapsed.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Iridology Analysis- 31

Right iris
1) Closed lacunae was located in the Heart and Bronchioles zone, indicate a potential of heart stress and lung problems.
2) Stress rings were concentrated in the lung zone. Possible of asthma, breathing and coughing problems.
3) Rarefication of fiber structure or low density fiber in the lung zone, indicate of low resilience or resistance to illness.
4) Open lacuna was found in the kidney zone.
5) Open lacuna was located in the vagina zone.
6) Open lacuna was attached in the Urinary Bladder.
The above open lacunae was found, it indicates the potential of reaction. An inherent functional weakness in the specific sector is located. There is a genetic tendency to insufficiency.

Closer view on the above 3 potential genetic stress problems:
1) Closed lacunae were located in the region of heart and bronchioles reflex zone.
2) Various stress rings were intercepted in the lung zone. Indicate potential of deficiency in lung functions.
3) Loose density or rarification fiber structure attached in the lung zone.

3 open lacunae was located in the pelvic reflex areas : Kidney, Vagina and Urinary bladder.
A thin with wispy and a sort of intermittent collarette, indicates lack of nerve energy, poor absorption of minerals and deficiency in digestive enzymes, delicate digestion.

An examine of Thyroid function is needed, caused the outside breaks of collarette adjacent with thyroid.

Left iris

1) A rarification and with closed lacunae was located in the lung zone.
2) Stress rings was also located in the lung zone. The problem was identical as illustrated in the right iris.
3) Open lacuna was located in the Kidney area.
4) closed lacuna was located in the adrenal area.

1) Low density fiber structure in the lung area, indicate a potential of deficieny in lung functions.
2) Contraction Furrows/ Stress Rings particular concentrated in the lung reflex area, indicate a high potential of disturbance in lung organ.

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Henna Hands

The hands of a woman in Jaipur are covered with mehndi patterns painted with henna. Trendy in recent years, the lacework decorations are part of a 5,000-year-old tradition of creating designs to ward off evil or declare one’s happiness.

Iridology Analysis- 30

Right iris

1) Semi mild cholestrol ring located in the brain zone. Attention of blood circulation is needed.
2) Stress rings - control of emotional disturbances - stress nad strain.
3) Potential stress in Testes/Ovary zone.
4) Closed lacuna located in the Bronchioles area, potential of lung stress.
5) small crytp located in the Heart reflex zone.

Left iris

1) Various closed lacunae seated inside the collarette, indicate potential of indigestion and assimilation problems.
2) Contraction Furrows sided on the Thyroid, Spinal and kidney reflex areas. Any disturbances should noted on these areas.
3) Various small crypts located in the lower abdomen area - Groin and pelvis.
4) Closed lacuna located in the adrenal zone.Emotional stress should be noted.
5) Closed lacuna was seated in the Bronchus area. Potential of asthma or lung stress.

Contracted Collarette - Indicates a tendency to constipation and sluggishness of the intestines. It may also find stagnation of the lymphatic fluid around the intestine, within the great number of lymph nodes located on the exterior of the large intestine, according to John Andrews.

Iridology Analysis- 29

Right iris
Intermittent Collarette Wreath - tendency to spasms, appetite disorder, deficiency in digestive enzymes, delicate digestion, fatigued, tired, weak and not enough energy.
Examine organs outside of breaks in the collarette :
1) Spinal reflex zone - Spinal pain.
2) Bronchioles and Heart reflex zone - Possible of lung stress.
3) Pituitary and Pineal reflez zone - Possible of headache and emtional disturbance.
Scurf Rim - Dark distinct ring in the outer ciliary zone or limbus. Potential of skin disorder, such as psoriasis or eczema, suppressed skin elimination.
Left iris
1) Thin with squared shape collarette in the Heart and Lung zone.
2) Thin with intermittent structure of collarette in the Bronchus and Thyroid zone.
According to John Andrews, a thin collarette, have a potential of :
a) Emotionally and environmentally sensitivities.
b) These people tend to have a great deal of intuition, psychic and spiritual awareness, but this may cause problems for them if they are not grounded within themselves.
c) Potential of asthma, food intolerances, leaky gut syndrome and dysbiosis can be present.
1) Scurf Rim - skin disorder problem.
2) Stress Ring - Emotionally disturbances.

Friday, January 08, 2010

Buddha, Ayutthaya

Inextricably joined with a bodhi tree—the same type of tree under which Siddhartha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism, achieved enlightenment—a Buddha head greets visitors to the ruins of Wat Mahathat in Ayutthaya. The temple is part of Ayutthaya Historical Park.

Ganesh Festival, Mumbai

During the ten-day Ganesh festival in Mumbai, devotees carry a statue of the elephant-headed Hindu god into the sea. Across India, worshippers carry hundreds of the statues into rivers and lakes as well as the sea.

Sikh Holy Book

Sikhs reach to touch a chest containing a copy of their holy book, the Guru Granth Sahib, as it’s carried into Sachkhand Sri Hazur Sahib, a temple in Nanded, during the 300th-anniversary celebration of the book’s consecration. Sikhs also mark the anniversaries of the passing of their religion’s gurus.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Iridology Analysis- 28

Right iris

1) Radii Solaris - deep ray located in the brain zone, indicate a possible of headache delivered by a stagnant and fermenting colon. Numerous radii solaris often appear in the head or brain zone, which according to studies by Angerer and kriege attest to a cerebral weakness. It also attest to poor concentration, vertigo, restriction to blood circulation and memory loss.
2) An accumulation of lipemic diathesis at the limbus layer.
3) Closed lacunae - potential disturbance in the uterus zone.
4) Closed lacuna - located in the pancreas reflex area, possible imbalance of blood sugar or digestive disturbance.
5) Semi- opened lacuna -possible stress in gall bladder, inidcate a deficiency in digestive enzyme.
6) Anxiety Tetanic / Stress Ring - possible of depression, mood swing, emotional imbalance.
7) Closed lacunae- in the pancreas reflex zone.

Left iris

1) Radial Furrows\ Radii Solaris- located in the brain or head zone.
2) Semi opened lacuna located in the heart zone, indicate a blood circulation problem, cardiovascular stress.
3)Pathochromia- concentrated black spots in the ciliary zone.It indicate a tendency to immune compromise within the spleen, liver stagnation or emotional suppression, according to John Andrews.
4) various crypts located in the adreanl and kidney reflex zone.
5) Closed lacuna located in the liver zone,indicate liver stress.

Angle of fuch's- A deficiency in assimilation, absorption and putrefaction in the GI-tract.