Saturday, October 03, 2009

Iridology Analysis- 9

right iris
1) Stairstep lacuna located in the Upper Breast\ Lung zone.
2) Small lacuna located in the gall bladder zone, indicates of deficiency in secreting of digestive juice.
3) 3 to 4 small lacunae or crypts located in the kidney area. Possible a deficiency in kidney function.
4) Small crypts located in bronchus, possible of bronchitis problem.

Stairtep Lacuna - Is a step ladder, often sloping formed of a patternf 3 or more bars of stromal tissue dividing 3 small lacunae or crypts. They are found predominantly inside the collarette. Stairstep is a serious marker and will evidence a family history of intestinal tumours, gastric ulcerations and intestinal polysis. The above iris fiber structure shown thast the stairtep lacuna was found in the Lung/Breast area indicates possible tumour in breast and lung tissues. Also some whitish tissues inside the lacunae presenting an irritation and inflammation conditions.

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