Saturday, October 03, 2009

Iridology Analysis- 10

left iris
1) Closed lacuna located in the humoral zone of pancreas area.
2) A big closed lacuna was found in the heart zone.
3) A rarification fibers was found in the ovary/testes zone indicates a low resistance illness or disease in that particular cellular level
4) 3 small crypts or closed lacunae indicates with stress functional disturbance in the kidney reflex area.
5) & 6) Various small lacunae or crypts were scatterly located in the prostate/uterus and urinary bladder reflexive areas, indicates of funtional disturbance.
High level of cholesterol and lipid content, possible of having cardiovascular tension.
An irritation and inflammation of pancreas - blood sugar and digestive function checking is needed !

A high risk of cardiovascular stress possible cholesterol or plaque, it implies that the arterial system is also stressed

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