Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Iridology Analysis- 15

right iris
1) Deep radial furrow located in the humoral zone of pituitary gland, indicates psychological stress or emotional imbalance.
2) Another radial furrow located in the pineal gland also indicates as the abovementioned, suggest a headache and insomnia problems.
3) Small crypt seated in the small intestine zone, suggest digestive problem.
4) Scurf rim, indicates skin disorder, such as acne, psoriasis, and eczema.
5) Contraction furrows.
6) testes/ovary stress shown by a tiny crypt.

left iris

1) Breaking radials ( 5 to 6 radials) / Contraction furrows highly concentrated stress in the lung zone, a tendency of lung dyfunction, disturbances and possible having bronchitis problems.

2) A tiny crypt located in the exact heart zone area, suggest a high cardiovascular risk. Can be further confirmed by analyzing Foot Glyphology and Sclerology.

3) a) A distinctive ray inwardly cutting through the collaratte, suggest a study of "Time Risk" factor. b)a deficiency in rectum/anus function.

Ferrum Chromatose - Brown colouration in tiger stripe formation. This sign suggest a liver wear and tear and possible difficulty with iron absorption or anemia.

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