Thursday, October 08, 2009

Combination of Iridology & Foot Glyphology Analysis -1

right iris
Gender: Female
Age : 24
1) A source like a ventral indentation of the collarette in the area of cecum and appendix, possible a deficiency in colon movement.
2) 2 deep rays of radial furrows located in the brain reflex zone indicates an emotional tension, headache or migraine.

left iris

1) Radii Solaris was surrounded the collarette, 2 deep radials located in the brain reflex zone as the same location compare to her right iris, which indicates an emotional stress and tension, possible having a periodical headache and migrain, suggest a treatment of Phytobiophysics and EFT.

2)&6) Radial Furrows was run all the way from the collarette to the ciliary zone, indicate a deficiency in nerve energy and parasites involvement in the digestive system.

3) A closed lacuna was located in the heart zone indicate a heart stress or disease, a cardiovascular risk.

4) Stress rings presented in the spleen reflex zone.

5) Ventral indentation or the flatten collarette in the bottom side of the iris, indicate a possible deficiency in bowel movement.

left foot

1) Deep stress line in the lung towards to sinus reflex area, indicate lung stres and sinusitis problem.

2) A heavy parasites infestation in the reflex zone of heart, vena cava, stomach, pancreas, adrenal and spleen. The possible of cardiovascular stree, indigestion, flatulence, deficiency in digestive enzyme, mental stress that lead to adrenal over exhausted and low immune system.

3) Bacterial involvement from the descending colon towards to pancreas area.

4) Parasite infestation along from small instestine crossing kidney to colon reflex zone.

Closer view on the parasites involvement ( star-mark) in the heart, stomach, pancreas, adrenal and spleen zone.

Bacterial involvement with the sign of parallel bold lines.
Rail-road tracking lines indicate parasite involvement and the movement.
1) Right foot - a) Deep Vena Cava line, indicates cardiovascular risk or heart stress. b) suggest a lung and sinusitis problems.

2) These right foot's terrain ( yellow circle) the stress pattern was same as the left foot, but the stress configuration was much more serious than the left one. The organ which infested by the parasites are : liver, gall bladder, heart, stomach and pancreas.

3) Bacterial involvement from kidney to colon reflexive areas.

4) Fungal involvement in the GI- Tract.

The above photo was enlarged to highlight the problem of

1) Deficiency and disturbances in absorption, digestion, assimilation and detoxification system.

2) Infestation of bacterials, parasites and fungals in the main GI-Tract. High stress in colon

3) Irritable Bowel Sydrom!

4) Emotional imbalance and phychological block.

5) Cardiovascular risk.

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