Monday, October 05, 2009

Iridology Analysis- 13

right iris
1) Small crypts located in the kidney zone, indicates a deficiency in the cellular level.
2) Possible a pain in the pelvis area which crypt are located.
3) 2 closed lacunae with loose fiber located in the liver and gall bladder zone, indicates a disturbance in detoxification, digistive system and low resistance to illness.
4) Crypts and loose fiber structure in the lung zone, indicates of lung stress, asthma and bronchitis problems.
5) & 6) Possible sinusitis problem in the brain zone.

left iris
1) Shoe lacuna located in the kidney zone.
2) A closed lacuna located in the frontal sinus zone, indicates a sinus problem.
3) Wider gap in between of IPB and Collarette.

Large Pupil with an expanded collarette -
a) Lower metabolic rate tends to accumulate unburned substance.
b) Expends large amount of energy.
c) Great intake of food but very little is used.
d) Possible plagued by flatulence and gas.

Shoe Lacuna - This lacuna is usually found in the kidney reaction field. This is topostabile in the kidney. It indicates a tendency for kidney deficiency.

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