Monday, October 05, 2009

Iridology Analysis- 12

1) Thicked collarette was rounded the Autonomic Nerve Wreath.
2) Three closed lacunae with loose fiber structure in the humoral zone.
3) A closed lacuna in the bony structure zone - The closed lacuna was located in the Eye, Upper Jaw and Nose reflex zone, a disturbunce of these reflexive zone is needed for attention.
4) Cramp rings concentrated in the thyroid zone.

Thick Collarette or Autonomic Nerve Wreath- Indicates of nervous irritability, congestion of intestinal lymph nodes, compromise of the immune system and disturbances in calcium metabolism, according to John Andrews.

Three closed lacunae with loose fiber structure located in the pineal and pituitary zone, a disturbance of emotional imbalance, tension, insomnia and headache.
Stress rings/ Sectoral opening highly located in the bronchus and thyroid region, indicate a deficiency in that particular areas. Sensitivity, stress and tension also must be noted. According to John Andrews, UK well- known iridologist, contraction furrows also indicate an inwardly, highly motivated person.

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