Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Iridology Analysis- 2

left iris

1) Corneal Arcus or Cholesterol Ring in the zone 6 & 7, indicates high cholesterol or fats in the blood. Tendency for liver dysfunction and cardiovascular degeneration.

2) Close lacuna seated in the neck reflex zone, possible inflammation or pain in neck.

3) Close lacuna was found in the pancreas zone. Tendency of deficiency in secreting digestive enzyme.

4) 2 close lacunae located in the left liver lobe and pancreas zone, indicating deficiency tissues of these 2 organs.

5) A big close lacuna was found in between thyroid and bronchus reflexive zone, asking client questions for confirmation is must in this situation..

6) a) Zagged collarette wreath indicate a spastic colon type with irritability, strictures and inflammation in the intestinal tract.
b) White stomach ring ( mild brown color ring surrounded in the nutritive zone) indicate an overacidity in the stomach that tend to have burning, burping and bloating especially after a meal. Avoiding acidic foods is must !

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