Monday, September 21, 2009

Iridology Analysis- 1

right iris
1) Small crypt - a genetic sign of deficiency in Liver reflex zone.

2) Small pin hole size of crypt located in between the boundary of Collarette and Humoral zone, which identified as Adrenal, this small deep lacuna seated in the adrenal tissue, indicates a deficiency or over-exhausted of the adrenal function that related to emotional stress condition.

3) An intermittent of Constraction Furrow formed in the Bony Structure zone, indicates a stress in the spinal areas and also experiencing time of accumulated stress and tension.

4) A small brown pigment was found in the Lymphatic zone, which is topolabile indicate as having liver problem.

5) Various scatted defect signs\small lacunae in the Lung reflex area, genetically weak in lung function, avoid any substances ( smoking, haze environment) which can triggering the weaknesses.

6) Same as 5) - small defect signs seated in the Bronchus reflex zone. Tendency of having bronchitis problem.

left iris

1) Same patent's left iris - Contraction furrow / Stress rings, indicates emotional stress.

2) Small lacunae or crypts located in the reflex areas of :

a) kidney, b) Liver, c) Teste, d) Lower Breast

e) Nutritive zone ( descending colon ) - tendency of GI problems

3) Red arrows - Radial Furrow - indicates of pituitary stress, headache and emotional imbalance problems.

Pituitary/ Pineal stress - indicates of emotional stress and tension.

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