Saturday, September 26, 2009

Sclerology Analysis-1

An advanced stress line located in the liver zone. A Y-fork concentrated stress in the left liver-lobe.
An articulated advanced stress line crossing the kidney toward to adrenal zone. Indicate an emotional imbalance or under tension condition, which the adrenal was exhausted.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Iridology Analysis- 4

right iris
1) A very thick cholesterol ring or Annulus surrounded the zone 6 & 7. Indicate a high risk of cardiovascular stress and chances of getting heart attack is high !
2) Small lacuna or crypt in the pelvis zone.
3) Whitish lacunae seated in the zone of pancreas head and gall bladder showing some irritation and inflammation which indicate a digestive disturbance of these 2 organs.
5) Small crypts lacunae showing a deficiency in thyroid functions.

6) Thick and ropy collarette wreath - Excessive of energy in the stomach too much peristalsis. This collarette type has a high reactivity with possible diarrhea, colic and gastrointestinal motor disturbances. A lot of fermenting is going on..
4) A group of diamond (Rhomboid) shaped closed lacunae topolabile seated in the lung zone which indicate the problem of diverticulitis in the large intestine.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Iridology Analysis- 3

left iris

1) Annulus ring- it shows a tendency for elevated cholestrol levels.

2) Open lacuna in thyroid, indicate a genetic sign of deficiency.

4) Ventral Distension indicates as a) Haemorrhoids, b) varicose Veins

3) Radial Furrows in the head or brain zone, which indicate as headache delivered by a stagnant and fermenting colon. It also can attest to poor concentration, retrictions in harmonal and blood circulation.

Iridology Analysis- 2

left iris

1) Corneal Arcus or Cholesterol Ring in the zone 6 & 7, indicates high cholesterol or fats in the blood. Tendency for liver dysfunction and cardiovascular degeneration.

2) Close lacuna seated in the neck reflex zone, possible inflammation or pain in neck.

3) Close lacuna was found in the pancreas zone. Tendency of deficiency in secreting digestive enzyme.

4) 2 close lacunae located in the left liver lobe and pancreas zone, indicating deficiency tissues of these 2 organs.

5) A big close lacuna was found in between thyroid and bronchus reflexive zone, asking client questions for confirmation is must in this situation..

6) a) Zagged collarette wreath indicate a spastic colon type with irritability, strictures and inflammation in the intestinal tract.
b) White stomach ring ( mild brown color ring surrounded in the nutritive zone) indicate an overacidity in the stomach that tend to have burning, burping and bloating especially after a meal. Avoiding acidic foods is must !

Monday, September 21, 2009

Iridology Analysis- 1

right iris
1) Small crypt - a genetic sign of deficiency in Liver reflex zone.

2) Small pin hole size of crypt located in between the boundary of Collarette and Humoral zone, which identified as Adrenal, this small deep lacuna seated in the adrenal tissue, indicates a deficiency or over-exhausted of the adrenal function that related to emotional stress condition.

3) An intermittent of Constraction Furrow formed in the Bony Structure zone, indicates a stress in the spinal areas and also experiencing time of accumulated stress and tension.

4) A small brown pigment was found in the Lymphatic zone, which is topolabile indicate as having liver problem.

5) Various scatted defect signs\small lacunae in the Lung reflex area, genetically weak in lung function, avoid any substances ( smoking, haze environment) which can triggering the weaknesses.

6) Same as 5) - small defect signs seated in the Bronchus reflex zone. Tendency of having bronchitis problem.

left iris

1) Same patent's left iris - Contraction furrow / Stress rings, indicates emotional stress.

2) Small lacunae or crypts located in the reflex areas of :

a) kidney, b) Liver, c) Teste, d) Lower Breast

e) Nutritive zone ( descending colon ) - tendency of GI problems

3) Red arrows - Radial Furrow - indicates of pituitary stress, headache and emotional imbalance problems.

Pituitary/ Pineal stress - indicates of emotional stress and tension.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Foot Glyphology- Analysis 37

Various stress lines growing in the toes neck indicate certain mineral imbalance in the body system.

Foot Glyphology- Analysis 36

A protrusion of this area indicate an endocrine imbalance or glandular stress, which related to adrenal, thyroid and pancreas functions.

Health Carvinal 2009


日期:27-09-2009 (星期日)
時間:10am - 6pm

Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia (YBAM, Penang State Liaison Committee) with the cooperation of The Penang State Government, and co-organized by Yong Yue Dermatoglyphics D&L Centre, Pu Ai Community Service Centre, Metta Welfare Association, Than Hsiang Mitra Welfare Association, Suatantra Buddhist Association, Persatuan Buddhist Hai Yin, Penang Lay Buddhist Association, Befrienders Penang, Hospital Pulau Pinang, Pusat Transplan Nasional, Bank Darah Kebangsaan will be organizing "Save Lives" Health Carnival 2009

Date: 27-09-2009 (Sunday)
Time: 10am - 6pm
Venue: Open Plaza, Penang Times Square

Foot Glyphology- Analysis 35

1)A deep stomach stress line- indicate digestive enzyme depletion.
2) Parasites involvement in spleen zone toward to stomach reflex area.
3) A large gap of bacterials parallel lines crossing the heart and pancreas reflex zone. Indicate an excessive bacterials proliferation in that affected areas.
4)Another bacterials parallel stress lines crossing the colon reflex areas.
5) 3 hot posts/ star marks, indicate a concentrated stress of parasite worms infection in the GI-tract.
6) An overlapping paralle lines indicate a fungal involvement spreading toward small instestine and colon areas.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Foot Glyphology- Analysis 35

2 causes for the above presentation :
1) Gonad stress line - The teste lines show stress on the heels by registering as cracks in the thickened skin which indicating as endocrine fatigue.

2) Thick, whitish and cracked skin shown on the heels also indicating lymphatic congestion.

Foot Glyphology- Analysis 34

Fine white chalky skin spreading all over the foot...

White blemishes and chalky skin in overall reflex zone. Indicate zinc deficiency and possible Candida/fungal involvement in the body system.

Foot Glyphology- Analysis 33

Left Foot
The gap in between is narrow, can be considered as less infection by bacterial.
Right Foot
Minimun stress lines in overall reflexive zones.

Foot Glyphology- Analysis 32

1) & 2) Parasite worms infested in the Gastro-instestine.
3) Fungal involvement, moving from small intestine to colon.
4) Parasites infested in the pancreas reflex zone.
5) stomach stress - digestive imbalance.
6) Spleen stress - immune system deficiency and poor lymphatic drainage

Foot Glyphology- Analysis 31

Star-Mark stress lines indicate the parasite worms proliferated in the affected areas.
a),b) and c) of the star marks stress was presenting as tape worm or round worm around the GI track.
d) Pancreas stress indicate protein enzyme imbalance.

a) A deep stomach stress line indicate digestive problem.

b1 & b2) indicate pancreas stress as above mentioned.

a) Blood circulation problem.

b) Liver stress- possible fatty liver

c) Parasites track from bladder to transverse colon areas.

Another view of showing bacterials infection in the GI areas.

Foot Glyphology- Analysis 30

The Bunion was occurred in the cervical vertebrae reflex zone. Indicate the patient's vertebral misalignments in the neck. The neck problems are a leading cause of reflective bunions.

Comparison of left and right foot, the No.2 right foot was largely protruded then the normal one of the left foot No.1- Indicate the neck pain problems !!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Foot Glyphology- Analysis 29

1) Cross line or an advanced stress to left liver lobe. Often associated eith allergies, both food and airbone.
2) kidney stress extended joined with the liver stress.
3) Pancreas stress with right foot, inidcate lipase enzyme / fat enzyme digesting problem.
4) Stomach stress.
5) Gastro- intestine stress - parasites involvement.
6) Heart Stress - Blood circulation problem / Cardiovascular stress.

Vena Cava line in the right foot, heavier line in the superior region (1), lighter registration in the inferior region (2). Inidcate Cardiovascular stress.

Foot Glyphology- Analysis 28

1) Stomach stress with digestion concerns.
2) Pancreas stress with left foot, indicate possible of Protease enzyme imbalance - excessive protein.
3) Kidney stress.
4) Spleen stress- Lymphatic circulation and immune system.
5) Colon infected by parasites.
6) Heart stress - concerned with venous or bundle branch congestion.
7) The vena cava system is a mid-line system and its reflex zone appears in the middle of the feet. Possible cardiovascular stress.

Foot Glyphology- Analysis 27- (2)

a) Stomach stress with possible of hyper-acidic.
b) Pancreas stress with posible of protease enzyme problem. Indicate overeating of protein foods, as well as excessive heat-altered animal protein.
c) Colon stress.
d) Parasites lines tracking from pancreas to stomach.

Foot Glyphology- Analysis 26

Right Foot
1) An advanced stress located in the liver zone. Indicate deficiency in liver function.

2) Medium stress stretching from the stomach crossing to heart and toward to liver reflex area ( X lenght). Indicate overeating can cause heart symptoms such as palpitations.

3) Highly concentrated stress, indicate parasite in the colon area. Possible infested by Tape or Round worms.

4) Bacterial infection in the Spleen & Stomach areas. Possible a deficiency in immuse system and lymphatic circulation