Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The Pyramid With An Eye Of The US 1 Dollar Bill

The top of the Great Seal pyramid shows an eye-in-triangle, which has been associated with Sirius, the Eye of God, the pineal gland, and the Illuminati. Not only was the Egyptian calendar based on the rising of Sirius, but that the Sun is astrologically conjunct Sirius every year on July 4, for the birthday of the United States of America. Also, some Mayan groups froze their New Year to July 26, when Sirius rises in that part of the world. On January 1 at midnight, Sirius culminates, reaching its highest point in the sky, at the only time of year when it is visible all night long.

The seal appears on the US dollar bill. It shows a 13-step [13=1+3=4=time] pyramid with the date 1776 [1776=21=3=3rd dimension] in Roman numerals, on it. Just as the Pyramid of Kukulkcan /Quetzalcoatl has 91 steps on each of the 4 sides, making 364 in all, plus the top level giving the number 365, the Great Seal pyramid also has an encoded calendrical meaning. Like some Maya pyramids, it has a date on it, but in the Gregorian calendar. 4 sides of 13 levels gives 52, which is the number of weeks in our year. However, 13 and 52 are also the key numbers in the Mayan calendar systems.

Linked with the movement of the knowledge from Egypt and the Middle East - to Europe - moving to the American and the Freemasons who created a nation called the United States of America in the 18th century. They placed the eye on the dollar bill. They designed the blueprint for the architecture around the nation's capitol - based on the patterns of sacred geometry. These energies continue north through New York and New Jersey.

Egypt is also laid out based on the patterns of sacred geometry. These areas would attract souls. These areas would have monuments - that remind of us the nature of reality - from the pyramids and obeliskes - to the giant megalithic towers - including the Twin Towers and the Pentagon - which would be attacked and in the case of the towers - be destroyed - signifying a change in the patterns of creation.

Much has happened to the monuments in Egypt - through the millennia - but there are 2 that have remain as once they were - the Great Pramid - at the center of the planet - and the Sphinx.

The Great Pyramid sits at the center of the planet - just as the pineal gland - third eye - sits at the base of the brain. They are connected.

Monday, May 08, 2006

The Screenshots of UE Level 7 & 7 Special Seminar at Naza Hotel, Penang, Malaysia

Dr.Bee & Sister Yip was chairing the UE Level 7 & 7 Special Seminar

Sister Tan is welcomed the UE members who attained the UE Level 7 seminar

Setup of video-conferencing with Master Dang

Antenna Models for L7 students

Participation of UE students

Concentrating on listening to Dr.Bee's teaching

Sister Tan was busy with ordering the Antenna Models

states of senior UE representatives
start from Left : Sister Tan (Penang), sister Yip (Ipoh), Dr.Bee, Bro.Tiong (KK),Vice President- Bro.Kumar ( KL)

UE members from Ipoh, Kampar

UE members from Kuala Lumpur

UE members from Penang

Penang's UE Practitioners

UE members with Sister Bee

Dr.Bee & Bro.Tiong

Dr.Bee & Bro.Ooi

Dr.Bee with Caason Tan

Sunday, May 07, 2006

The President of UE Malaysia, Dr Bee courtesy visit Derma SivaSanta Clinic

Dr.Bee was receiving a warm welcome by the President of the Clinic (right) & the Chief Co-ordinator (left) Mr.Murugiah

Dr.Bee was impressed the setup of the clinic

Mr.Murugiah was explaining the clinic operations & the administrations

The President (left) was introduced the specialist Doctors to Dr.Bee, accompanied with Mr.Murugiah (2nd left)and Daniel Tan- Senior UE Practitioner (middle)

Dr.Bee was introduced the benefit of learning UE

Dr.Bee was sharing about his UE experienced is about love & compassion

Monday, May 01, 2006

The Sense of Transmitting UE Energy to Patients

A different feeling is experienced when transmitting UE energy to patients

  • Some of the patients was receiving the energy in the fast pace that can be felt by the fast flowing of warm energy from the practitioner's hands to patients chakras. That means the patients needs the energy to balance up & cleanse the blockages of body energy system.
  • Sometime may feel nothing while transfer energy.
  • The practitioner's body temperature will gradually warm via transfer UE energy to patients.
  • The pace of transmitting UE energy ( the feeling of warmness & flow of energy ) is depending on the practitioner state of concentration & the adaptation energy of receivers.
  • The giver & receiver in term of physical, mental and emotional state of stability is vital.
  • The ventilation system of the atmosphere : hot, cool , humid or dry will affect the efficiency of transfer energy.
  • To cultivate the peace, comfort & cheerful environment via transfer UE energy to patients with the purpose of achieving calmness & relax.