Monday, May 01, 2006

The Sense of Transmitting UE Energy to Patients

A different feeling is experienced when transmitting UE energy to patients

  • Some of the patients was receiving the energy in the fast pace that can be felt by the fast flowing of warm energy from the practitioner's hands to patients chakras. That means the patients needs the energy to balance up & cleanse the blockages of body energy system.
  • Sometime may feel nothing while transfer energy.
  • The practitioner's body temperature will gradually warm via transfer UE energy to patients.
  • The pace of transmitting UE energy ( the feeling of warmness & flow of energy ) is depending on the practitioner state of concentration & the adaptation energy of receivers.
  • The giver & receiver in term of physical, mental and emotional state of stability is vital.
  • The ventilation system of the atmosphere : hot, cool , humid or dry will affect the efficiency of transfer energy.
  • To cultivate the peace, comfort & cheerful environment via transfer UE energy to patients with the purpose of achieving calmness & relax.

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