Monday, May 08, 2006

The Screenshots of UE Level 7 & 7 Special Seminar at Naza Hotel, Penang, Malaysia

Dr.Bee & Sister Yip was chairing the UE Level 7 & 7 Special Seminar

Sister Tan is welcomed the UE members who attained the UE Level 7 seminar

Setup of video-conferencing with Master Dang

Antenna Models for L7 students

Participation of UE students

Concentrating on listening to Dr.Bee's teaching

Sister Tan was busy with ordering the Antenna Models

states of senior UE representatives
start from Left : Sister Tan (Penang), sister Yip (Ipoh), Dr.Bee, Bro.Tiong (KK),Vice President- Bro.Kumar ( KL)

UE members from Ipoh, Kampar

UE members from Kuala Lumpur

UE members from Penang

Penang's UE Practitioners

UE members with Sister Bee

Dr.Bee & Bro.Tiong

Dr.Bee & Bro.Ooi

Dr.Bee with Caason Tan

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