Wednesday, March 01, 2006

A Scientific Explanation of UE Meditation

Universal Energy (“UE”) moves in waves, UE is everywhere that the eyes can and cannot see.
This UE has a very low frequency of 7 to 15 Hertz per second.

In order to be able to absorb this UE, we must learn to “slow” our brain waves down to “as close as possible” to match those of the UE frequency. The way of lowering our brainwaves is by

Meditation plays the vital role in practicing HUE.

When a person is in “deep meditation”, his or her brain waves frequency reduces from 60-80Hz down to around 15 Hz per second. If you are proficient at it, you can even bring the brain waves below that.

Those who have had their chakras “opened”, can “reach” this deep meditation state very quickly and easily.
When the practitioners reached this state, they can “absorb” the UE very effectively.

But when your brain waves operates above the 7-15 Hz, you are very unlikely that you can absorb this UE to help “heal” your body from the damages which we are all subjected to daily from our environment.

While practitioners in other meditation methods as Buddhism, Yoga, Chi Kong etc… have to persevere several hours every day to meditate or practice, in HUE method, it is enough to practice only 5 minutes to 30 minutes a day to achieve this effective absorption of UE to help heal our own bodies.

The meditation in HUE is to help the “opened” chakras to be:

1. Even stronger to prevent and heal illnesses for self.
2. In “full capacity” to transfer energy to help others to heal themselves.

Note, when UE practitioners “transfer energy” to help others, they are also “in meditation”, that is when we are transferring UE to another person to help them recover from illnesses.

That is why we encourage all UE practitioners to transfer energy to help others instead of “sitting” in meditations for hours and hours to absorb UE.

The effectiveness of UE meditation depends very much on your ability to “spend time on yourself”, your commitment to help yourself. Some people could not find even 5 minutes to be “still and rest”, for these people, UE will not be suitable for them.

Are you ready to “experience” meditation with a difference?
One meditation that can “heal your body” and also “help others to become well, without any medication?

UE truly have to be “felt” to know what UE mediation is all about.
I urge you all to try it with a “compassionate heart” and “persistence” to have UE bear fruit within your body.

Written by Sister Bee

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