Friday, March 03, 2006

How do you know your chakras is opened 100% ?

  • When transferring energy to the receivers or patients extensively, you won't feel tired & exhausted, but the feeling of goodness & energized.
  • You are drawing the energy from the universe not from your body.
  • You act as a transmitter by transmitting UE energy to the patient.
  • The feeling of energy flow from your hands to the receiver is warm.
  • When transferring energy you are already in the mode of "Meditating" with recharging your energy.
  • While Miditating the feeling of drawing energy from the Chakra 7 through the 5 chakras point is sensible.
  • The improving of self-awareness & self-actualization.
  • A calmness, peacefulness & energizetic is acheived.

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