Thursday, March 09, 2006

The Philosophy within the Master’s Teachings

According to the Master, everything that existing in this world is just a temporary vehicle to help our soul to learn and progress. The majority of his teachings is always contained this meaning. The method of his explanation with the exception to help us comprehend about the truth that agreeable to each individual among us. Helping us to unveil the incomprehension curtain which does not give us any benefit toward our evolution according to each changing period of the society. Many groups or each separate individual is already themselves the things that they thought necessity in the up-coming mutation of the new era.

Master taught us that only the effort of each individual among us would be able to destroy that incomprehension curtain, help us awake and enlighten. Only in the stage of enlightenment, and our true love for mankind will be the force that takes us to the new era. Master can only pointing out the way and the place for us to come, but he cannot pick us up and bring us there himself.

Therefore, the teaching words of the Master are always changing to make it adaptable and challengeable at that point of time.

The majority of our researches and perceiving through the Master explanations are not deepen and comprehendible, many incorrectly criticisms. This is the reason why a number of people have created a big space between the Master and them. The teaching words of the Master are truly the vehicles to help us find or understand the truth about life. However, among us, there are many different level of educational background in life and in spirituality. Therefore, the teaching words of the Master can be understand in many different ways, it can be enlighten or darken, it can be joyful or frus­trated, depending on how each individual translated, just like mathematics students, the math teacher had explained all the formulas and equa­tions to the class, but when taking test doesn’t mean the students can be able to solved all the problems.

Our Universal Energy School must have more true practical concrete. Our knowledge, research, and study must be incorporated in everyday living. The result of this cooperation can be measured through our peacefulness, sharing light and happiness toward family and neighbor.

The teaching words of our Master do-not contain any contradiction or create any opposition within the current trend of thought, or foundation of religion. Nevertheless, it has the power to untie our soul from burden and any unpleasant business, and it does not expand the division between good and bad, righteousness and evil. However, they are the cool drops of water pouring on the travelers that walking in the hot summer days.

We are living in the surpass point of science, mostly the computer science, satellite sys­tem, the discoveries of special bio-chemicals of DNA, human beings think that they have came close to or seem like they have possessed the creating ability of God. This can be verified that the spiritual progression of mankind has reached a high point that never happened in their history, always criticizing.

But why there are still many contradictions, competitions, possessions, good or bad, righteousness or evil, against and criticize each other don’t bring any benefit for our evolution, don’t bring us any light or happiness. Why you are keeping it in your brain and in your soul. Master had given us many vehicles to bring light and happiness to everyone that is when we are transmitting the energy to sick people to reduce their pain, their burdens, and their discomforts. At the same time, the energy will speed up the recovery, better yet the relaxation of the mind.
Sharing the light and happiness is also an expression of our love toward one another.

If we have within us, the serenity, the light, and happiness, then this earth will be the wonderful place to live, will be a heaven for all spiritual evolution, good or bad are contradict to each other for us to learn and to recognize, so we only practicing the good and avoid practicing the bad deed.

Master Dang gave one example: the person that you think is bad, sometimes he/she has some good stuffs for you to learn, but if you can be able to recognize that, then you have reached a next higher level in spiritual evolution.

The most important thing in our study and research is must be a positive action and a solid determination. It is not because of the teaching of the Master is good or bad, but our perceiving, is it at the right level? Is it profound enough? Changing the concept, and the way we are perceiving toward the positive way, then we will see the different effect. In other hand, our thoughts and actions have been absorbed through custom, tradition, family, society, religion, and regulations of the country that we are living in. Therefore, comparing, criticizing one another is just seem so natural to everybody. This is the origin of all the chaos, this is a chronic disease.
Master Dang used to reminded and emphasized two words: CLEANSE OURSELVES, cleanse out all the old thoughts, selfish thoughts, unhappy thoughts, and all the thoughts that constrain ourselves in a box, they don’t do any good to our learn­ing, they just delay our progress and evolution.

Master has a great sense of humor about this phrase: would you dare to do it? Dare to learn it? Therefore, you can bring light and happiness to yourself! Without paying attention to criticisms of others. would you dare to overcome the tradition, the custom to learn the new lessons that actually belong to the new mankind and the new era. LEARN to be awakening and enlighten, this is the purpose and the reason of all Master Dang teachings. Enlightenment is a word that used to be reserved for the highly spiritual people or it seems extraordinary, sometimes, it takes a whole lifetime try to digest and comprehend what it means (?) When we do not understand the correct meaning of the word, then how can we practice it correctly (?). The words Dare To Do can be understand as solid determination in the shortest time, so you can be enlighten to the truth of the Master teachings, and gradually this enlightenment will be absorbed in our body and soul.

By the above reasons, Master’s various and copious way of teaching had a point to help mankind to be awaken and enlighten. When understand Master’s words, we will find freedom for ourselves, and then, our researches and spiritual path will be enlarged because everywhere has a means for our studies.

Master usually reminded us: “My words is very simple and basis but sufficient meaning for you to study and research.” Listen carefully to Master’s word before we decide whether to con­tinue or terminate, to obstinate or distinguish between right and wrong; then, we will find yourself freed from heavy loads, and then we will be in harmonized with the universe. The goal of religion was to help the mankind find justice and true compassion among others. However, to look for the compassion and truth, do human beings need to go through difficulties, or study lofty philosophy daily?

Each philosophy or word that we learn and understand is another tie in our mind and another doubt for us. Simple and basis to let light and love be easily penetrated is a way to untie our bonds and prepare for a new period. A period that rules and separations have no meaning.
To be important about language and name is a way of bond, which reduces our level of development. Language is a means to express our thoughts to the outside world, but spirituality is invisible and boundless, we cannot use visibilities to describe invisibilities.
Only you can understand yourself, knowing what you want, let truly affirm. Meditation is a way to help you be back with yourself, after a long time, meditation will be always existed inside of you and helped your body, mind, and spirit combine, which help you calm and understand yourself. You will be able to understand Master’s path that he was trying to guide us stepping on it. Study and consider thoroughly, we will understand the profound meanings in Master’s words and will enlighten the truth in our daily life.

Enlightenment is the arisen of love, have true compassion and unconditional love. Because of mankind, we are trying to create light and happiness for everyone in the Universal World. A world without division, laws and formal bonds. Moreover, all desires of human being can be achieved.

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