Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Master Dang's Advices

I would like to remind all of you that anywhere we go, respect the elders, and love the youngsters, and then you will be safe. We are progressing on our journey because we always have God, Jesus, Buddha or Higher Beings beside us. The Higher Beings are walking parallel with us to protect and help us accomplishing our mission.

You should be happy that anything you don’t want to do but your soul guided you to perform it. For example, you planned not to attend the special level 7 seminar, but finally your soul guided you there. That means your soul is bright. Once your soul is enlightened, it will be able to control your physical body to guide you progressing on the path of evolution until your soul and physical body become one. If your soul is incapable, then it will be controlled by your physical body and progress on the path of materialism, which will slow your process of evolution. Now, we have excess of materials, we should do something meaningful for our spirits so that we can carry it for the next period or our new physical body. Our soul should be able to change our mind, not our mind change our soul. When your mind desires to do something, your soul says, “stop” and if you can stop, then be happy for yourself that your soul is enlightened.

Our ultimate goal is to achieve enlightenment and wisdom and then help others also attain wisdom and enlightenment like us. If we get wisdom and enlightenment to enjoy for ourselves, then it will be limited. Our nature is zero, energy or air. Our soul is the infinite energy from the distance come to our physical body to learn the good and bad lessons of human society.

When a sick person comes to you, it means the Higher Beings guide that person to you so that you can help him or her. That is your mission, you are the tool of God or Higher Beings; therefore, you have to perform, “forgetting oneself to help others”.

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